Chapter 44- Sting in the Nose

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Sophie, Ruy, and Luke appeared hand in hand at the NeverSeen hideout. "Sophie, I.." Ruy started. But a cloth was pressed to Sophie's face. The last thing she saw before blacking out was Luke and Ruy, also struggling against sedatives. "Stop struggling Moonlark." A raspy voice murmured. 


Sophie awoke. Her nose stung and her wrists were stinging from metal bonds tied around them. Her eyes were covered with a blind fold too, so she couldn't see anything."This won't hurt a bit, Moonlark." The same voice from earlier whispered. Sophie felt cold hands push hard into her temples. A blast of memories shot through Sophie's brain, making her scream. It wasn't painful, just... overwhelming. She fell asleep and when she awoke was in a bedroom by herself.

"Hello?" She called out. "Sophie, Wake up." Ruy whispered to Sophie. Sophie stirred a bit. "We've got an important mission today, remember?" Ruy added. "We've got to capture Keefe Sencen for Gethen. Remember?" Sophie sat up, wiping her eyes. "How could I forget?" She grumbled, half smiling. Memories of Keefe popped into her mind. He was always being funny. Trying to prank people. He was mean, and cruel. "Ahhh. Moonlark! Nice to see you..." Gethen growled as Sophie walked into the hideout's kitchen. "Make sure you guys capture the Sencen boy in front of the Black Swan. They need to know who's side you're on. Right?" Sophie nodded, smirking. "You're not their little puppet anymore. Right?" Sophie nodded again. She thought of Mr.Forkle. He never gave her an option. It was always, Do this! Do that! Sophie realized now that she was their puppet. "Let's go Ruy. We can't be late to the party." Sophie sneered. Edaline and Grady were throwing a masquerade ball in hopes Sophie would come back. Little did they know

That was exactly what she planned to do.

Hope y'all liked this chapter! Was it confusing at all? If so, sorry!

When the Sky turns Black(Sokeefe turns to Soruy)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora