Chapter 19- Take Flight

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"I've got to go." Sophie gasped. "Go where, Sef?" Nick asked, handing her a cup of hot chocolate. "I've got to go start a new life." "Ok? But where do you want to go?" He asked. "How about Pheonix. Pheonix, Arizona. Do you have a car?" She asked. "No. But I have a plane." Nick offered. "Sure!"

The plane ride was VERY long. Sophie and Nick went from Alaska to Arizona. 

As soon as the plane came to a stop on the runway, Sophie jumped out. "Thank you Nick!" She yelled as she ran away. When Sophie decided she was far enough away from the airport she stopped and slumped against an abandoned cabin. A glimmer of light appeared in front of her. "Sophie. It's me. Physic." Standing before her was an elf. Physic to be exact. "Who?" "Physic?" "What kind of a name is that?" Physic cursed under her breath. "Sophie. Your memory is already half gone. I'm going to swipe it so that you are married, are having a baby, You and your baby's abilitys will be gone for the time being, and that you have friends." "Didn't I have friends before?" Sophie asked. "A handful of them, yes." Physic offered a hesitant smile. She touched Sophie's temples and Sophie closed her eyes. When she opened them she was laying in bed with her head on someone's chest. "Morning sweetheart." She said through a stretch and a yawn. "Morning." Sophie got up and started to get dressed. "How far along am I now? Is it 5 1/2 months?" "I think so." "Mommy! Daddy! Are you up yet!? I think the Easter Bunny came!" "I'm up! I'm up!" The man shouted. Sophie studied the girl. "She had dirty blonde hair that fell just beneath her shoulders, and light hazel eyes. She looked about 6 years old. "Come on sweetheart." She said. "Let's go see if the Easter bunny ate your cookies!" Sophie ushered the little girl out of the room then peeled her head back in. "Come on Kobe! It's Easter!" The man swiped his chestnut hair out of his face then slooowwwwly dragged himself out of bed. "Fiiinnnnne." Sophie went downstairs. "Addison." She started. "Come on. Let's go see what's outside." The little girl followed her mom outside. Their neighbor was standing in the middle of the back yard holding a tiiinnnyy Golden retriever puppy! Addison's eyes widened. "Puppy?" She asked her mom. Sophie nodded and the little girl ran up to the tiny puppy and started to hug it. Sophie rested her hands on her baby bump and smiled as she watched her daughter play with the puppy. "What's her name!?" Addison asked. "I think we want to name her Gracie." Replied Kobe for the tiny girl. "What do you think of that?" Sophie added. "It's pufect!" Addison yelled, unable to pronounce perfect right. Sophie was so busy laughing and smiling along with her neighbor, husband, and daughter, that she didn't notice the sad dark haired man watching from outside the fence.

Ok. I may or may not have named the puppy after my own golden retriever, Gracie.

Hope you like this so far! And what should the gender and name of the baby be?

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