Chapter 34-Mesmerizing

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Sophie and Addison appeared at Havenfield, hand in hand. "Wowww." Addison gasped. Sophie smiled. "This is where I live. This is where your baby sister lives. Addison's head snapped to Sophie's stomach. "You had her already?" She asked, smiling when Sophie nodded. Just then a sparkle of light appeared next to them, a young man with dark hair and teal eyes came into view.  He stared at Sophie, shocked. "Sop..Sophie." He stuttered. "'re alive." "Go away Fitz." Sophie replied picking up Addison and turning her away from him. "Go." She said a little bit louder. "Sophie, I'm your friend. What did I ever do!?" He asked, on the verge of tears. "You.. you weren't there for me. You weren't there when I felt guilty. You weren't there when I had no choice but to join the NeverSeen! You weren't there for my family!" Sophie started to walk towards the house with Addison in her arms and Gracie on her heel. "I love you." His voice filled her head. Sophie paused for a second, but when she felt tears brimming her eyes she continued walking. "I can't yet, Fitz. I just can't. Come back and say sorry when you're ready. I'll be here." Sophie pushed the doors open to the giant house. She wiped her eyes. "Mom!? Dad!?" She yelled. She set Addison down, watching as the little girls eyes stared in wonder at her surroundings. "In here!" Edaline called, trying to hold in laughter. When Sophie walked around the corner to the living room her eyes became wide. "Dad!?" What happened!?" Sophie asked. "Your daughter made him slap himself." Edaline giggled. "Several times." She added. Sophie snorted trying to keep in her laughter. "What!?" She asked laughing. "Mhmm." Grady basically growled. "I couldn't make her stop. She's WAY too strong." Grady added. He had an ice pack on his cheek. "Okkkk. Mom. Dad. This is Addison. She is your granddaughter." Edalines eyes turned to the little girl looking up at them frightened. "Hey there." Edalines eyes sparkled. She snapped her fingers and some Mallowmelt appeared in front of Addison. "For you." She whispered. "Addi, this is my mom, Edaline, and my dad, Grady." Addison gave them a hesitant smile. "Hi." She whispered. "Oh! And this is Gracie." Sophie added, petting the fluffy golden on her head. "Want to go meet your sister?" Sophie asked Addison. "Yes." Sophie led Addison upstairs to her bedroom, where September was sleeping. She patted her bed and Addison hopped up onto it. "Hey there." She whispered as she gave September to her big sister. Sophie sat next to Addison, who was holding the tiny baby. Soon Addison was sound asleep, resting her head on Sophie's shoulder.

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