Chapter 31- Family

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Sophie slowly took the baby into her arms once again. September opened her eyes for a split second. Elwin and Ruy both gasped. "Her... her eyes." Ruy stuttered. "They're perfect." Added Sophie. Together they stepped into the light of the crystal. Sophie and Ruy arrived on Havenfield, hand in hand. They went up to the door and knocked. Sophie looked at Ruy as the door opened. This is it. Edaline stepped outside, turning around to shut the door behind her. When she turned back to face them she gasped. "S..Sophie....R..Ruy?" She stuttered pressing herself back into the door. Her head made a tiny thump as it hit the door. Sophie frowned, taking a step back. "I... Mom.... I'm... I'm sorry." She whispered. Edaline's worried face didn't go away, but she scanned her daughter, gasping when she saw tiny brown and blue eyes blinking back up at her. "Edaline!?" A voice called. Grady opened the door, gasping when he saw the threesome standing in front of him. Grady ran up to Sophie, engulfing her in a hug. "I'm sooo sorry." He kept repeating. "I had no choice. Please forgive me." Grady stepped back, glaring at Ruy but still staring in wonder at the tiny gray blanket. "May I?" Edaline asked, holding her hands out. "Of course." Sophie replied, gently handing her daughter over. 

1 hour later:

"Mom. Dad... it's getting late. I think that Ruy should go back home." Sophie stated, standing up from the couch. "Where are you going?" Grady asked, directing the question to Sophie. "Im already home. Where would I go?" She asked, earning a hug from Grady. Edaline would've come and hugged her too, but September was peacefully asleep in her arms. 


"Are you sure you're good?" Ruy asked one final time before stepping into the light. "Yeah." Sophie replied. 


Sophie settled into bed. She felt herself dose off, just as she fell asleep she heard a voice. "Mom? It's me. Addison."

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