Chapter 37-Don't play with Matches

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Sophie put Addison down. "Can someone please call Master Leto?" She asked abruptly. She winked at Oralie. The council always wanted to know who Mr.Forkle really was. "Right away miss Foster." Bronte replied quickly. Why did he say Miss Foster? Not long after Bronte called Master Leto was called did the door slam open. There he was, he was panting hard, as if he had just come from a run. "Miss Foster!?" He cried as soon as he saw her. He quickly stood taller and dusted himself off when he caught everyone staring at him. He pulled a scroll out of his coat pocket. It read-

I knew you were her this whole time. Don't think you pulled it off. :)  Also, I am willing to let you fight Fire with Fire, but you have to do something for me first. You have to trust Fitz. He is your cognate. I want him to be able to calm you down, or heat you up whenever needed. I will be sending you two on a getaway trip by yourselves for a month. And before you ask, we already have an Empath and Mesmer to help with Miss September, and a telepath to help with Miss Addison. I think you'll like the telepath mentor very much.

Sophie looked up at all of the people watching her. "I think I'm gonna be sick." She said, hurrying to the bathroom. When she got there she put her back against the walls and slid down, bringing her knees up to her chest she started to quietly sob. "I just want to be normal. I just want to be happy." She whispered to the mirror she held up from her pocket. It was Jolie's old one. "Mirror mirror, on the wall, who's the most depressed of them all?" She asked the mirror. She had expected the mirror to show herself just like it had every other time she asked it. But it showed a young looking man. His hair looked to be a bright red, but it was dirty, so she couldn't tell. He looked down at his feet. His hands grasped the bars. The bars of a jail cell. "Care to tell us again how you failed to help your friends?" A greedy voice asked. Gethen. He had left the NeverSeen a few months ago, leaving no trace of where he went. The red haired man looked up. His eyes, that used to be a bright, happy, blue color, seemed to now be gray. The happiness had faded, leaving only sadness. Maybe a hint of anger. "Oralie!" Sophie screamed. It seemed as though she was dying. Her scream was bloodcurdling. She Screamed her name again. The screams were mixed with the sounds of sadness, fear, shock, and desperation. The bathroom door opened. There stood Oralie. "Sophie?" She asked. The picture of the sad man was now gone. It also wouldn't appear again. Instead Sophie imported the video she saw into Oralie's head. Oralie's eyes were shocked for a second before they started to let the tears fall. She slid down next to Sophie. Trying to stay strong she let Sophie bury her head into her shoulder and cry. 

When the Sky turns Black(Sokeefe turns to Soruy)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora