Chapter 27-What can I say except "I'm cold"

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Sophie landed into snow. She quickly stood up and started to brush the snow off. "Sophie?" A voice asked from behind her. She turned around and came face to face with a tall man. He had deep blue eyes and dirty blond hair. The memories came flooding back. Waking up with him in bed, him kissing her lightly on the forehead, and sneaking out with him as a young kid. "Ruy?" She asked. He ran over to her, picking her up by the waist then spinning her in a circle. "You're back." He mumbled. "Listen. I need to hide. I've got....what, 1 more month of this?" Sophie said motioning to her very large stomach. Elves have their babies at 7 months pregnant. "Yeah. Why do you need to hide though?" He asked. "I've got my memories back. Nobody can know. Not Fitz, not Dr.Anderson, and definitely not any of the 12 people who lead." "The council?" Ruy asked, confused with her choice of words. "Yes. I have my memories back. But I just don't remember everyone's names. The blonde councilor is my mom though? Right?" Ruy's eyes grew wide. "No way." He gasped. "Please show me the memory." Sophie closed her eyes and pushed the memory into his head. Ruy turned pale. "Don't ever show that memory to ANYONE ever again." He warned. "Umm, ok? So, Ruy. When I was taken into custody from the human world by Dr. Anderson and Fitz, they said that Addison was my true blood?" Ruy looked away. "They sortve created Addison in case this situation ever happened." He looked into her eyes before continuing. "Her true blood is from you Sophie. But it is also.... from me." Sophie watched as the words played around in the air before entering her ear. She stumbled back. "She's... she's an elf." Sophie gasped. Then the pain hit her. "Ruy." She screeched, breathless. Ruy rushed over to her Then picked her up and quickly walked her into the office where Elwin was. Or.... where he was supposed to be. "Crap." Ruy snapped as he quickly walked towards the leap master.

When the Sky turns Black(Sokeefe turns to Soruy)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora