Chapter 9- Grady POV

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  "Sophie!" I yelled as she flickered away. "She's gone Grady." Edaline whispered. "What is wrong with her!?" I yelled. My anger was about to fire a fireball. Just go with it "Grady, she's upset. She did something that she doesn't want us to know about, it will disappoint us, but make us super happy as well." I then had an idea. I looked down at my Imparter. "I've got an idea." "Grady. Don't. Do. It." Edaline frowned. "I'm doing it." I know it was wrong. But if anyone knows what's wrong with Sophie, then it's that boy. "Hail Keefe." I said into my Imparter. He picked up right away. "What's wrong Grady? I haven't seen you in a while." Keefe smirked. "Just wanted to say congrats on your baby." I smiled casually. Keefe looked shocked for a second, but then he quickly changed into a smile. "So Sophie told you!?" He gasped. "Nope. Just guessed. But you confirmed it." Keefe frowned and cursed under his breath. Then he hung up.

 "Hail Sophie." I said into my Imparter. I had already hailed her a million times throughout the 3 months she's been gone, and she never picked up. "Dad?" A voice asked quietly through the Imparter. "SOPHIE!?" I gasped. It had only been 10 minutes, but it was her. It felt so good to hear her voice. "Yeah? Listen dad, I've got to go in a few minutes." I sighed, then I remembered what I had called her for. "Are you pregnant?" I asked. "I..I umm... why would you think that?" She asked. If she was nervous I wasn't able to see it on her face. "Because Keefe hinted to it." I shrugged. She laughed. Now I could tell she was nervous, but then she looked over her shoulder and shushed someone. "Listen dad. I've got to go." "Are you with a BOY!?" I yelled over the Imparter, but it was too late. She hung up. "Damn." I sighed. "Oh Grady." Edaline smirked. It wasn't a smile, but I haven't seen her lips curl up at all for at least 3 months. "Come on, we should go feed Girdi." I laughed. Edaline sighed but followed me outside.

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