Chapter 26-Kobe's POV

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I honestly thought she was losing her mind. She had never done this before. Or at least I don't think she had. I can't quite remember. She stood up suddenly. "I have to go." She stated before passing out. The police officer helped me set her down on my lap so she wouldn't be on the cold floor. After a few minutes she sat up, panting. She looked up at me, fear woven in her eyes. "GET AWAY FROM ME!" She cried. I pulled her closer. "What's wrong?" I asked. "Get away." She whispered. She stood up then yelled some nonsense. She looked between me and the window. Jumping up, she ran to the window and jumped through it. THE CLOSED WINDOW! The glass shattered as she jumped through. I ran after her with the whole station on my heels. "Sophie!" I yelled almost falling out the window myself. A crack of thunder rang out. Now gray clouds. Weird  I looked down. I expected to see a lifeless body on the ground. But it was just bare parking lot. "SHE JUMPED OUT OF A SECOND STORY WINDOW!" I screamed. I started to hyperventilate. What happened!? Where is she!? Is she dead!? I looked at the police officers. They were all whispering to each other. Some officers had run downstairs and outside, while others ran to tell the chief. I just sat there. Broken. But suddenly. "I'm ok. Don't worry about me." Filled my head. It sounded a lot like... Sophie. "Why." I mumble, expecting no answer. "Because." I sat there. "I'm going insane. I'm going to perish in the insane land." I said aloud. What!? What is wrong with me!? "Nothing. Nothing at all. Goodbye Kobe." A pain-struck voice whispered one more time before......silence.

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