Chapter 10-Spy

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"Hey honey." Ruy smiled as Sophie appeared in their room. "I'm starting to think I shouldn't light leap." Sophie panted. "You're faded a bit." Ruy said gently, trying to out his hand on Sophie's shoulders. She pushed him away. "I'm fine. I don't need looking after. I've got to go anyways. I'm on assignment for Gisela." Ruy sighed. "Fine. But only teleporting. NO lightleaping. I mean it." "Ugh. Fine." Sophie turned. She ran to the window and and the last second tripped over the window sill. "Oh crud." She whispered as she fell down to the snow. Focus focus focus. She thought. Just as she thought she was going to hit the ground a void opened up. Yes! When Sophie landed she was in Candleshades pond. "Ugh!" She yelled. She got up and started twisting the water off of the edges of her cloak. "I'm telling you! I did see her!" Sophie heard a voice yell. "That's impossible! She's been gone for....3 1/2 months!" Another voice yelled. Keefe. And Fitz. Sophie snorted as a toad hopped on her head. She plucked it off and threw it back in the water. "Did you hear that?" Keefe's voice asked hushed. "Yeah..... I did." Fitz replied. Sophie quickly looked to the NeverSeen band on her arm. This was not good. Silveny, call Keefe! Sophie shouted to Silveny. SOPHIE?! FRIEND!? SOPHIE OKAY!? Silveny asked. I'm fine! Please distract Keefe! Sophie heard Keefe grunt and she took her chance. She hopped out of the lake and sprinted for her leaping crystal that landed on the bank of the pond. "What's that!?" Fitz asked. Busted. "It's the NeverSeen!" He shouted. Then when Sophie was able to fiddle with the crystal and open up the light, her hood fell off. She met Fitz' eyes then quickly stepped into the light.

When the Sky turns Black(Sokeefe turns to Soruy)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora