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Agreste is holding a door open for me that leads directly outside.

He grips my elbows to steady my path.

I glance in his direction.

"We're going outside." I say it out loud, just to make sure I'm not hallucinating or anything.

"Mhm." He confirms.

"What are we doing outside?"

"We have some business to take care of." He tugs me a bit.

Agreste grabs my hand and makes me turn around.

He's smiling.

"This," He says, gesturing to the cold, gray world under our feet, "this makes you happy?"

I look around. I realize the courtyard is not quite a roof, but somewhere between two buildings. "Cold air smells so clean." I tell him. "Fresh. Brand-new. It's the most wonderful smell in the world."

His eyes look amused, troubled, interested, and confused all at once. He shakes his head. Pats down his jacket and reaches for an inside pocket. He pulls out a gun with a gold hilt that glints in the sunlight.

I pull in a sharp breath.

He looks at a gun, inspects it in a way I don't understand. Maybe to check if he's ready to fire or not.

He reads the expression on my face and chuckles a bit. "Don't worry, it's not for you."

"Why do you have a gun?" I take a step back. "And what are we doing up here?"

Agreste puts the gun into his back pocket and walks to the opposite end of the ledge.

He motions me to follow him. I step forward, just a bit. Follow his eyes and peer over the barrier.

Every soldier in the building is standing about 30 feet below us.

I count out about 50 lines, each perfectly straight, perfectly spaced out, so many soldiers standing in a single file line I lose count.

I wonder if Luka is in the crowd. I wonder if he can see me.

I wonder what he thinks of me now.

Each soldier is standing with their left fist pressed against their heart. Frozen in place.

Agreste pulls out a little rode box, presses a button, and speaks into it.

"Sector 45."

His voice booms across the whole area.

The entire group of soldiers shift, left fist released, dropped to their sides; right fists planted in place on their chests. Nobody is out of sync. If I weren't terrified I'd probably be impressed.

"We have two things to deal with this morning." He starts. "The first is standing by my side."

Thousands of eyes look in my direction. I feel myself flinch.

"Marinette, come here, please." He says as he waves his hand in his direction.

I inch into view, slowly.

"Jenkins, would you step forward, please?"

My fingers start shaking a bit. I can't stand still.

Jenkins steps out of line; I spot him immediately.

He's okay.

He seems just fine, he must be okay.

"Jenkins had the pleasure of meeting Marinette, just last night actually." The tension of the men down below is noticeable.

It seems as if nobody knows where this speech is going.

Agreste begins to speak again, "I hope you'll all greet her with the same sort of kindness. She will be staying with us for some time, and will be a very valuable asset to our efforts. The Akuma welcomes her. I welcome her. Meaning you should too."

The soldiers drop their fists all at the same time.

They all take five steps backwards, five steps forward, and five steps walking in place. They raise their left arms high and curl their fingers into a fist. Then fall on one knee.

I run towards the edge of the roof to get a closer look.

I look back at Agreste who seems to be enjoying it. It takes him about 30 seconds to speak. "Good."

The soldiers rise and rest their right fists on their chests again.

"The second thing is a bit more pleasant than the first." Agreste says, even though he doesn't seem that excited about it. "Nathalie has a report for us."

Everyone goes quiet for what seems like eternity.

I begin to wonder. If that gun in his pocket wasn't meant for me, then who is it for?

Decoration, maybe-

"Nathalie." He says while looking at me. "You may step forward."

A young woman who looks like she's in her mid 30's steps out of line. She's the only woman amongst them. She has a purple streak in her hair, slicked back into a bun. "Sir."

Agreste finally stops looking at me and faces Nathalie.

Nathalie speaks, "We have a charge against Private 45B-76423. Fletcher, Seamus."

All the soldiers are frozen, frozen in fear, relief, and anxiety.

Nothing moves.

Nothing breathes.

Even the wind is afraid to make a sound.

"Fletcher." One word from Agreste and several hundred necks whip around in the same direction.

Fletcher steps out of line.

Ginger hair. Ginger freckles. Lips almost artificially red.

His face is blank in almost every possible emotion.

I've never been more afraid for a stranger in my life.

Nathalie speaks again. "Private Fletcher was found on unregulated ground, speaking with civilians who are rebeled party members. He had stolen food and supplies from storage units dedicated to Sector 45 citizens. It is not know whether or not he betrayed sensitive information."

Agreste glances over at the gingerbread man. "Do you deny these accusations, soldiers."

Fletcher raises his head high and clenches his jaw. His voice cracks when he speaks. "No, sir."

Agreste nods. Takes a breath.

And shoots Fletcher in the forehead.


Jeez Agreste, viscous much?

To sum it all up, he pretty much shot Fletcher in the forehead because he was stealing food and possibly telling others classified information.

He was also caught on a turf nobody is aloud to go on, speaking with "rebels" who are just people trying to find ways to fight against the Akuma.

Basically he was a rat... or is it a mole? Maybe a mole rat. But yeah, he was telling others information he wasn't supposed to tell anyone about.


Why Are You My Remedy? [Book 1]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon