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I am not insane. I am not insane. I am not insane. I am not insane. I am not insane. I am not insane. I am not insane. I am not insane. I am not insane. I am not insane. I am not insane. I am not insane. I am not insane. I am not insane. I am not insane. I am not insane. I am not insane. I am not insane. I am not insane. I am not insane. I am not insane. I am not insane. I am not insane. I am not insane. I am not insane. I am not insane. I am not insane. I am not insane. I am not insane. I am not insane. I am not insane. I am not insane. I am not insane. I am not insane. I am not insane. I am not insane. I am not insane. I am not insane. I am not insane. I am not insane. I am not insane. I am not insane. I am not insane. I am not insane. I am not insane. I am not insane. I am not insane. I am not insane. I am not insane. I am not insane. I am not insane. I am not insane. I am not insane. I am not insane. I am not insane. I am not insane. I am not insane. I am not insane. I am not insane. I am not insane. I am not insane. I am not insane. I am not insane. I am not insane. I am not insane. I am not insane. I am not insane. I am not insane. I am not insane. I am not insane. I am not insane. I am not insane. I am not insane. I am not insane. I am not insane. I am not insane. I am not insane. I am not insane. I am not insane. I am not insane.

Horror rips my eyelids open.

My body is drenched in cold sweat while I'm hyperventilating. Luka is staring at me, I might have woken him up. Sometimes I scream out loud.

I'm still breathing heavily as I pull the blankets closer to me, only to realize that I've stolen his only warmth. I never thought of the fact that he might be freezing just as much as I am.

"The screams never stop in this place, do they?"

The screams are just the beginning... "No." A small blush forms on my cheeks. I'm glad it's too dark for him to see it. He must have heard me yelling.

Sometimes I wish I didn't have to sleep. Pain only happens when you're feeling your weakest.

"Are you okay?" Luka's voice sounds very concerned. I notice his facial expression. The way his jaw is clenched, his furrowed brows, his fists tighten, he's very tense.

"You're not insane." He adds.

I suddenly look up at him. He takes a deep breath, "I thought everyone here was insane... I thought they'd lock me up with a psycho."

"Too bad I got locked up with one." I realized I said that out loud. My eyes go wide and my hand flies to my mouth. "Wait, I didn't mean it like that!"

He grins and chuckles.

He stands up. I offer him his blanket, he takes it only to wrap it more securely around my torso.

"What's wrong?" He asks.


A few seconds pass.

"Can I sit next to you?" He asks.

"No." I turn and face the wall.

I watch him from the corner of my eye. He clenches and unclenches his jaw. He runs his hand through his hair and sits on the bed.

"You must be freezing."

"No, I'm hot actually."

I stand up so quickly that both blankets fall to the floor. "Are you sick?" I quickly scan his face for any symptoms. "Do you feel dizzy? Or sore? Do you think you're about to throw up?"

"What's your name?"

He's asked the same question three times already, "You must be sick."

"I'm not sick. I'm just hot. I don't normally sleep with my clothes on."

There it goes, the butterfly feeling.

"I was a jerk yesterday, I treated you like crap and once again I'm really sorry. I shouldn't have done that."

I look at him in his eyes.

His blue eyes are the perfect shade of ocean blue. They're so bright that they light up the whole room.

I can tell he's been thinking about that all night.

"Okay." Is all I reply with.

"So why won't you tell me your name?"

Inhale, "Marinette." Exhale. "My name is Marinette."

He smiles and repeats my name as if it amuses him.

Why Are You My Remedy? [Book 1]Where stories live. Discover now