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It smells like rain in the morning.

I take a deep breath and tiptoe to the window to press my nose against the cold surface. I look out the window, I can see that we aren't far from mountains and definitely near some water. But nowadays, everything is near water so that helps with nothing.

A sudden movement across the room means my cellmate is awake.

I quickly spin around and notice that he's studying me, head to toe... very carefully. It's giving me this tingling sensation... like butterflies. One may call it.

Stop looking at me, is what I want to say.

Stop touching me with your eyes and keep your hands far, far away. And please, please, PLEASE-

"What's your name?" He tilts his head slightly.

I freeze, blink, and take a deep breath.

I turn around and go sit by the corner, my back in facing him now.

"Why are you here?" I ask the wall.

"You're afraid of me." I can feel him smirking, I hate it.

"I'm afraid you're wrong." I say, I might be lying but that's none of his business.

He chuckles. We sit in silence until there is knocking on the door.

He pops up.

"No one's here." I inform him, "It's just our breakfast."

364 breakfasts and I still don't know what it's made of. It smells like strong chemicals. A lump of mystery that can either be too sweet or too salty. Always disgusting. I still eat it though.

Cellmate looks at me for a second then slowly walks towards the door. He opens the small slot. He picks up the tray of food only to fling it across the room.

"Ow!" He curls his fingers into a fist and clenches his jaw. He burned his hand. I would have warned him if he would've listened.

"You should wait at least three minutes before touching the tray." I look at him while saying it this time. He glares at me. "I think they do it on purpose." I say that last part to myself.

"Oh? So you're talking to me today?" He says angrily. He's being sarcastic. Wait, no, he's embarrassed. HA! The mean boy is ashamed of himself.

I look out the window again. I watch the mountains and clouds. Distracted from my reality until he touches my shoulder.

"Aren't you hungry?" He asks in a quieter tone.

I've been starving for 364 days. "No." That's all I say to him. I face him again, just to see him looking at my face..

There's something about him that seems so familiar...

The eyes. There's something about his eyes.

"Hey-" I start.


Nothing. I'm not bold enough to finish that sentence. I turned towards the window once again. The same window that's between me and my freedom. I'm holding back the urge to break it.

"What are you writing?" Cellmate asks me.

I glance at him through the sides of my eye. He takes a step closer.

"Why won't you answer me?" He asks. He's too close to me.. but at the same time... he isn't close enough.


"You can't touch me." I whisper to him. I'm lying. He can touch me, I just won't tell him.

Please touch me. Is what I wish I could tell him.

But bad things happen when people touch me. Strange things. Dead things.

Someone knocks on the door again.

Cellmate jumps up.

It must be time to shower.

Why Are You My Remedy? [Book 1]Where stories live. Discover now