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I'm not sure if I heard him correctly.

"You have something I want." Agreste is still staring at me.

"I don't understand. You look way richer than me. What could I possibly have that you already don't?"

He chuckles. "You are kind of a pet project of mine. I've studied your records for a very long time."

"What? Why would you-"

"We're in the middle of a war," he says, a little impatiently. "Maybe you can put the pieces together."

"No, I can't. What is it-"

"I know your secret, Marinette. I know why you're in here. Your entire life was documented in hospital records. Messy lawsuits, complaints to the authorities, and public demands have you locked up." He looks at me to try and read the expression on my face.

"I've considered this for a long time but I wanted to make sure you weren't actually psychotic." He offers me a smile as if I should be grateful for his "compliment."

"I sent Couffaine to stay with you as a final precaution. I wanted to make sure you weren't violent, that you were capable of basic human interaction and communication. I must say, I'm quite pleased with the results."

"Couffaine here, seems as if he played his part too excellently. He is a fine soldier. One of the best, in fact." Agreste looks at him from the corner of his eye before he gives me another smile. "But don't worry, he doesn't know what you're capable of. Not yet at least."

I fight the urge to look at Luka. But I fail. Our eyes meet for a split second before he turns his head. He turns his head so fast I'm starting to think I imagined it.

I'm a monster.

"I'm not as cruel as you think." Agreste continues. "Oh! But be careful, if you do something... bad.... He'll have to shoot you."

Luka doesn't react to anything Agreste says.

He is doing his job.

I'm just a mission, an easily replaceable object; I'm not even a memory in his mind.

I didn't expect his betrayal to bury me so deep.

"If you do accept my offer," Agreste interrupts my thoughts, "You will live like I do. You will be one of us, and not one of them. Your life will change forever."

"And if I don't accept?" I ask.

Agreste looks genuinely disappointed. "You don't have a choice. If you stand by my side you will be rewarded." He paces around the room as he presses his lips together. "But if you disobey? Well... I think you look rather lovely with all your body parts intact, don't you?"

I'm trying to take this all in, "You want me to torture people for you?"

He smiles once more. "That would be wonderful."

I open my mouth to respond but he cuts me off. "Show her what she's missing, would you?"


"That is an order." Agreste is still looking at me while giving Luka orders "I'd like to break this one. She's too feisty for her own good"

"You can't touch me." I say through gritted teeth,

"Wrong," he sings in a teasing manner. He tosses Luka a pair of black gloves. "You're going to need these." He whispers to Luka.

"You're a monster." My body is filled with a sudden rage. "Why don't you just kill me and get this over with!?"

"That, my dear, would be a waste." He steps forward and I notice his hands are covered with white leather gloves. He slightly raises my chin with the tip of his finger. "Besides, it'd be a shame to lose such a pretty face."

I nudge my head away from his fingers.

The soldier behind me stomps on my back with his boot. Agreste catches me mid fall. "Don't struggle, princess. You'll only make things more difficult for yourself."

"I hope you rot in hell."

Agreste chuckles a bit. "I'm already here, love. Your presence is what keeps me sane." He boops my nose.

He snaps his fingers, "Couffaine, don't let her out of your sight. She's your new mission. Stay with her at all times. Anything that happens to her will reflect on your behalf."

"Yes sir."

Why Are You My Remedy? [Book 1]Where stories live. Discover now