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'Why don't you just kill yourself?'

Someone at school asked me once.

I think it was the kind of question that was supposed to come off rude but that was the first time I'd ever thought of doing something like that.

I didn't know what to say. But I'd always hoped that if I were a good enough girl, if I did everything right.

Said the right things... or just simply said nothing at all. I thought people would change their minds.

I thought they would finally listen when I tried to talk. I thought they would give me a chance. I thought they might finally love me.

I've always had that stupid hope.

"Good morning."

My eyes snap open. I've never been a heavy sleeper.

Agreste is staring at me, sitting at the foot of the bed in a nice suit and perfectly shined boots.

It takes me a moment to realize that I'm in the same sheets Agreste sleeps in almost every night.

My face is suddenly on fire and I'm fumbling off the bed.

"Did you sleep well?" He asks as he tries to help me up.

I look at him. His eyes are such a beautiful shade of green. Piercing in the most alarming way.

His hair is so blonde. It's like the richest shade of gold.

I notice for the first time that he's wearing a silver ring on his finger.

He notices I'm staring at it and quickly stands up, puts on his leather gloves and clasps his hands behind his back.

"It's time for you to go back to your room."

I nod. Stand up and fall right back down.

I use the side of the bed to hoist myself back up. My head is spinning like crazy.

I hear Agreste sigh. "You didn't eat the food I left for you."

I twist my lips to the side a bit. I drink a bit of water and eat a grape. I grab a strawberry and stand up.

Agreste leads me out the room once I'm able to stand again.

I'm still holding a strawberry in my hand once we leave.

I nearly drop it once I step outside.

There are more soldiers out here than I've ever seen. Each is equipped with at least 4 different kinds of guns, some strapped around their neck, some strapped to their belts.

All of them looked terrified once they saw my face.

They hide that expression quickly once they see Agreste. But it's obvious they grip their weapon tighter once I walk by.

Agreste seems pleased.

"Their fear will work in your favor." He whispers in my ear.

"I never wanted them to be afraid of me."

"You should." He stops. His eyes are calling me an idiot.

"If they don't fear you, they will hunt you. People hunt things they fear all the time. At least now they know what they're up against." He continues walking until we get to a familiar hall.

I freeze in place. Then I start to realize.. "You made me do that- what I did- to Jenkins? On purpose?"

Agreste is three steps ahead but I can already see the smile on his face. "Everything I do is on purpose."

Why Are You My Remedy? [Book 1]Where stories live. Discover now