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The ceiling is fading in and out of focus.

My head hurts. I groan as I sit up.

I feel two hands on my shoulders.

"How are you feeling." Agreste says as he towers over me.

I see Jenkin's face and death in my conscience. I start swinging my fists and screaming for Agreste to get away from me.

But he just smiles. Laughs a little. Then slowly brings my hands to my side.

"Well at least you're awake." He sighs. "You had me worried for a moment."

I try to control my trembling hands. "Get away from me."

"Don't worry." He waves his gloved hand in front of my face. "I'm all covered up, princess." He smirks.

"I hate you."

He scoffs and places his hand over his heart. "Me? How could one hate me. So much passion!" He laughs again. He looks so calm, so genuinely amused.

He stares at me with eyes softer than I expected them to be...

I turn the other direction.

He stands up. "Here." He reaches for the tray on a small table. "I brought you something to snack on."

I take this opportunity to look around the room.  It looks... gold. Like actual gold. The bed has over 20 pillows on it, the sheets are luxury. The whole room is lavish.

I prop myself up on the pillows and try my hardest to pretend I'm not comfortable. "Where am I?"

Agreste turns around holding a plate of grapes and strawberries in one hand. A glass of water in another. He looks around the room as if seeing it for the first time.

"This is my bedroom. But what's mine is yours so I guess you could say this is our room." He says smugly.

If my head wasn't hurting so bad I'd be tempted to run. "Take me to my own room. I don't want to be here."

"And yet, here you are." He sits at the foot of the bed and pushes the plate of food towards me. "Are you thirsty?"

I don't know if it's because I can't think straight or because I'm genuinely confused. But why is Agreste being so nice?

He's offering me a glass of water after forcing me to torture someone?

"I don't understand."

He tilts his head, inspecting me as if I'm seriously injured.

"I only asked if you were thirsty. That shouldn't be difficult to understand." He pauses. "Drink this."

I take the glass from his hands. I stare at it. Stare at him. Stare at the walls.

I must be insane.

Agreste sighs. "I'm not sure, but I think you fainted. And I think you should probably eat something, though I'm not entirely sure about that either." He pauses again. "You've probably had too much exertion on your first day here. My mistake."

"Why are you being so nice to me?"

The surprise on his face surprises me even more.

"Because I care about you." He says in a blunt manner.

"You care about me?" My blood boils at his remark. "I killed Jenkins because of you!"

"You didn't kill-"

"Your soldiers beat me! You keep me here like I'm... some sort of prisoner! You threaten me! You threaten to kill me! You give me absolutely no freedom! And here you are saying you care about me!?" I yell as I refrain myself from throwing the glass of water at him.

Why Are You My Remedy? [Book 1]Where stories live. Discover now