(Read if you picked that stranger.)

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Still Chapter Four...
(Read if you picked that stranger. ;3)

Being daring, I ran towards the stranger, he reached his hand out to me and I took it.

"Thank you for trusting me!" He smiled.

"I don't-" I began, but he cut me off, "I'm Francis Bonnefoy, and given the circumstances we are under, now is not the time, but I had to say it." He explained.

"Why?" I asked out of curiosity as he gripped his sword and looked around for an escape route.

"Well, because if I didn't tell you my name, you would be slightly confused throughout the chapter." I frowned slightly, "I beg your pardon?" I asked.

He broke his gaze with me and looked back at Samantha, "Wait, did she just call for him?" Francis asked, avoiding my question.

I turned my attention towards Samantha as she called for Arthur again, "Arthur! Come quick!"

I pressed my lips together, "What are you thinking on doing?" I asked, standing by him.

He gave me a smile and put on a pair of leather gloves, he then pulled out a small blue bottle from a satchel he had. My heart sped up slightly, is that a leather satchel? Oh wow, I need one so badly.

He opened the bottle and looked at me, "this guy I knew, he helped me make this sleeping remedy, and once it comes in contact with skin, the skin absorbs it and before you know it, you're falling asleep whether you want to or not."

He gave me a smile, "I'm going to need you to stay here, and one last thing, Antonio and the Italians, Lovino and Feliciano are with me, don't run from them." He then walked past me and to the other side of the barrels, as he did this Antonio and Samantha appeared beside me.

"______!" She frowned, "I told you to stay with me!"

I was about to open my mouth to speak when another figure appeared, Arthur joined Antonio and Samantha.

"Wait, why are you here alone?" Arthur wondered aloud momentarily before realisation hit him. He swung around just in time to clash his sword against Francis' sword, causing it to fly out of his hands and hit the floor.

Samantha was about to help as well, but as she raised her wooden bow to shoot, Antonio swung his sword and broke it in two. Her eyes, as well as mine were wide, that was pretty incredible.

"What are you doing?" She shouted as she jumped back. Antonio raised his sword at her, she raised her arms to surrender as Arthur was kept busy by Francis.

I took a few steps back, nervous of the outcome, when I felt something. I nervously turned around to see that it was just a barrel. It was okay, that was rubbish. This time, watching where I was headed, I walked around the stack of barrels and slowly tried to make my way towards the side of the house, where I would be out of sight and able to escape through the fence.

Who was I fooling though, I wasn't able to escape. I was too careless, I tripped on a twig and as I fell on the ground, I cut my leg and cried out.

As I cried out, everyone looked at me and frowned, "Really now?" Arthur asked.

"What?" I asked as I looked down at my cut, it wasn't a serious cut, but it did manage to draw blood. Still, with talk of that plague, I should patch it up so I won't get infected.

"You can't just do that, _____." Arthur stated.

"Do what?" I asked again.

"You can't just try to escape while we are in the middle of a fight!" He explained.

"No, I'm okay with it." Francis smiled as he jumped foreword and tried to choke Arthur. He was pushed back, but not before he managed to get the glove with the sleeping remedy in contact with Arthur's skin.

He then began slurring his words as Francis pulled a rope out of his satchel. I was in awe.

"Here, tie her up." Francis spoke as he tossed the rope to Antonio, who caught it.

"And what about him?" Antonio asked as he watched Arthur begin to trip on his feet.

I watched as he came closer to me, telling me to run, as he finally got in front of me, his eyes finally shut and he fell foreword, I caught him, but he was heavy so I began falling back, but trying desperately to stand my ground.

Bloody hell.

As I was about to fall, I then felt the weight dissapear. I looked to see the angry Italian, he grabbed Arthur by his collar and pulled him back so that I could stand my ground again.

Once I did, he let go of his collar and let me catch him again, he was frowning the entire time, but it felt as if he were smiling on the inside.

This time I was prepared and I wrapped my arms around him so that I wouldn't loose my grip on him and have him fall on his face. Yes, I understand how that would be funny to see, but no, I wouldn't do that... I mean, I could...

No, no, I shouldn't do that, that's rude... But in a way he deserves it...

After contemplating on what to do, Francis told me that we had to go to a carriage in the front of the house.

As I was trying to walk to the carriage, my grip loosened and Arthur fell onto the floor. Francis and Antonio laughed, but picked him up for me and then we walked to the carriage.

Antonio and Lovino sat in the front to steer while Francis, Samantha, Arthur, the other Italian, Feliciano, and I all sat.

At first we talked about a fable that there was land on the other side of the oceans, but then we laughed, that couldn't possibly be true.

After a while though, Arthur finally woke up...

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