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Chapter Twelve
Okay, fuck this, fuck that, and most importantly, fuck your face!

{CRITICS RATE THIS CHAPTER TITLE: "This chapter title is probably the best one out of all of your books, it hits me on a spiritual level, 11/10 ." -Lovino Vargas }

"Hey, this place seems pretty empty." Lovino commented, looking around the room.

"Yeah, but to be fair, there are really only six of us living here, counting the both of us." Antonio replied.

"Did you count the strange man that lives in the attic?" Lovino asked.

"I counted.. What?" Antonio asked.

"Yeah, there's ____, You, Feli, Francis, Arthur, Me, and the attic man, he says that he's the one who makes it storm outside." Lovino said casually, as if what he had said made sense.

"Ugh, we should probably have someone check that out..." Antonio said uneasily.

"No, don't kick him out, bastard, he's my favourite old person." Lovino protested.

"But-" Antonio began as he opened the door to the kitchen to set the freshly picked produce down, along with Lovino.

"No, you just can't do it you bastard, you can't judge him if you don't know him!" He shouted.

"I'm not judging!" Antonio's voice grew higher as he tried to explain himself, "We just can't have someone living in the attic for obvious reasons!"

Lovino's frown grew, "Well the reason mustn't be so obvious, because I can't understand it." He past Antonio and went to set the basket of vegetables down on the counter, "And- fuck!" He shouted, dropping the basket on the ground and causing some of the produce inside to fall out onto the floor.

"What happened?" Antonio asked, setting the basket down on the table top.

"I stepped on something." Lovino responded, standing on one leg in an attempt to see if his for was injured, it was just a small cut, but it managed to draw blood.

"It's a broken bowl, and h-hey, didn't I tell you to wear shoes?" Antonio asked, turning his attention towards him.

"Fuck this, they feel right and they're expensive as fuck." Lovino responded, looking over at the bowl, there was a small blood trail leading towards the door.

"Is that blood? Or tomato sauce? I'm really hoping that's tomato sauce.." Lovino trailed off. Antonio looked over to inspect it and as he was about to open the kitchen door to see if there was more blood on the other side, he saw the hole arrow in the door.

"Oh no, Lovino, I think that Samantha might be here." Antonio spoke, turning towards Lovino, who was wrapping his foot with a bandage he pulled out of the bottom drawer, "How do you know, bastard?" He asked, now tying the bandage.

"I know because she literally wrote her name on the arrow, come on, we need to find the others, they may be in trouble, I don't know if they know that she's here." Antonio spoke sternly.

"Ah, yeah, okay, well, I'll be behind you." Lovino spoke casually, he put his foot down on the floor and put pressure on it to see if he could walk on it, he could.

"No, you can't, Lovino, it can be dangerous." Antonio spoke dramatically.

Lovino rolled his eyes, not wanting to deal with this soap opera shit Antonio regularly did, "I'm going, you can't stop me." Lovino spoke, taking a step with his good foot, only to step on another broken bowl piece and falling back again, "Fuck that!" He cursed, reaching for the first aid drawer again.

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