An Infamous View

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Chapter Eight
An Infamous View

"Honestly, how hard is it to find some vigilantes who hate me enough to kidnap my wife?" I huffed.

"Soon to be wife." Spoke _____'s mother.

"What?" I asked, frowning slightly.

"I said 'soon to be wife,' you weren't officially married yet." She explained, her eyes were still red. By god, how many tears will she shed for her child anyways? It's been quite some time.

I set my fork down on the table, "Who have you permission to speak anyways? I certainly did not, besides this is a man's conversation, unless you know who those people were, leave." I ordered.

Her eyes widened slightly as she stood up, "Y-Yes, my apologies.." She mumbled as she hurried out of the room.

"Sir Johnny, if I may intrude." Spoke one of the younger servants.

"Who are you?" I hissed.

"Um, James, remember? I told you this morning..." He responded.

"Tch. I only remember the important things in life." I spoke.

James bit his bottom lip before continuing, "Well, I finished speaking to the search party leader and-" I cut him off there.

"Who gave you permission to talk to them? Don't you know your posit-"

"You did, sir. You commanded that I talk to them since you were busy with your drinks." He admitted.

I laughed, "Thats right, continue then."

"Yes, well, there has been no sightings and the ransom letter that you got, it told us of a location where we would get her back, however, when we arrived, the enemies were no where in sight.

Perhaps it had to do with the fact that they knew about the knights we hired to kill them."

I rolled my eyes, "Great, so they're still not dead. Well, they probably fled the country by now, all thanks to all of you." I pointed around the room.

A knight then stepped foreword, "Sir, you waited a week after we went to find the kidnappers, where they said they would be, before you even commanded us to begin our search for her."

I set my glass of rum down on the table, "is that right?" I laughed again, "like I said in the beginning, how hard could it be to find some vigilantes who hate me?" I looked around the room, then James stepped foreword again.

"While I was talking to the head of the search party, he told me that there were more people who hated you on this planet, than there are people in England."

Some of the other men began to laugh, my face heated up with anger, "Is that so?" I asked, standing up. James timidly nodded.

"Well then..." I paused as I looked around the room momentarily, "Have him hanged for treason."

"T-Treason, sir?" James stuttered.


"But he didn't really do anything..."

"Shut up before I hang you for treason as well. I'm a noble, I can do anything I want to. Now have him arrested and hang him at noon."

"Y-Yes, sir, as you wish..." He bowed, then exited the room quickly. I stared in disdain before speaking again, "So do any of you think you're funny?" Everyone quickly shook their heads, no.

I smiled, "That's what I like to hear."

I studied the silent room for a while before frowning, "Well then, what are you bloody idiots still doing here? Go search for her and whoever took her, someone ought to know something." I ordered. The men quickly nodded and quietly disappeared through the doors.

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