Surley He Isnt That Stupid

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Chapter Fourteen
Surely He Isn't That Stupid

"Hey, you." I called to the first servant I saw in the hall. They looked over at me a bit startled, "Yes, Sir John.." Their eyes dropped down to my clothing, it was soiled to say the least.

"Don't worry about the blood it's not mine." I rolled my eyes, taking in a deep breath.

"That's why I'm worried." They whispered under their breath, "I walked past them, taking my jacket off, "Just clean it up and don't say a thing, understood? I'm going to get cleaned up." I said, exausted.

"Yes, Sir!" They replied, taking my jacket and heading towards the room.

I walked to my room, cleaning my face and hands off then changing into something more suitable, I then headed off to speak with the head I put in charge of searching for _____ and her kidnappers.

I entered without knocking, I didn't have to, I'm important. The men sat around a table, looking at files and maps with points on it, the hairpin sat patiently on the map on near the place it was found at.

"Well someone's been busy." I spoke, causing some people to turn towards me, the rest continued working.

"Any word? At all?" I asked eagerly.

"Well, it appears not, Sir, a the hairpin is all we have but it seems that no one knows anyone who is French. Even so, a hair clip still isn't enough to go on. Her mother has confirmed it's hers though." A man spoke.

I nodded, staring at it momentarily before looking over to see the person I needed to speak to. I walked up to him, "Hey, I would like you to stop searching for her." I stated.

He took his eyes off of a notebook and he dropped his pen, "Excuse me?" He asked.

"I said that-" I was about to repeat myself when he cut me off, "No I heard you, however, you do understand that by doing that, she can remain missing for god knows how long? Not only that, but her kidnappers or murderers for all we know, will get away with what they did!"

I nodded, crossing my arms, "I understand."

He kept his frowning glare before his eyes widened slightly, he gently set his had on my shoulder, "Johnny," he began, I twitched, it's Sir!

"I understand how defeated you must e feeling about this situation, I mean, as progress shows, we are not any closer to finding _____ today than we were yesterday. We will however, find her, umderstand?" He spoke.

He must have thought that I felt defeated about how we haven't get found her, I really wasn't, I'm sure I know where she is at, I just need to get there and I need them off of my trail.

Francis is an important figurehead I'm France, and as that is their location, I'm sure that people will be able to connect te dots, dare he be murdered, then before I know it, French people will connect me to the scene of the crime because Francis is in a way the only one the search party is looking for - even if they don't yet know that.

"I don't care." I frowned, pushing the man's hand off of my shoulder, "I will pay you extra to stop searching. She's probably dead by now anyways." I spoke. Of course she's not, but I'm running out of things to say here.

He kept staring a minute longer than I found acceptable, finally breaking the silence, "Fine, but please, there's no need to pay us, I understand completley. Besides, you've been through quite a lot." He said sincerely.

I felt like bursting out into laughter, in fact I had almost completely forgotten that he didn't say the 'Sir' part first and that he had touched me. What a gullible man.

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