This Is The End

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Chapter Twenty-Three

That Is The End

I looked over at Arthur, he was looking at me as well, I squinted and his raised his brows a little concerned. I have to admit that Justin's offer to find out the truth, whatever he meant, it was pretty convincing. What was Arthur hiding? Maybe I should just ask? That seems pretty easy and straightforward...

"Hey Arthur." I called.

"Did you all just hear that?" Feliciano then interrupted, we turned towards him, I frowned slightly.

"Hear what?" Arthur asked.

"I don't know, I just heard something behind me." He spoke, turning around, only to see the wall that Justin was leaning against earlier.

"It was probably just a mouse." I thought aloud, only to hear Francis scream and pull his legs up with him on the couch, "Not a mouse! Anything but a mouse!" He cried out.

We all burst into laughter at his reaction while Feliciano took one last glance at the wall before joining in.

I looked over at Arthur as he laughed, his green eyes caught me staring and he turned towards me again, with a smile he asked, "What's wrong?" In an instant, I squinted again, "Hey, Arthur, can I ask you something?" I asked.

His smile was quick to fade and that concerned look took over once again, "Sure, anything." He responded.

I raised a brow and crossed my arms, "Promise me that you will respond honestly... All of you, actually." I looked around the room at everyone. They all stopped laughing as they tried to figure out what I was about to ask.

"Tell me now, why ever would Samantha, as well as that.. Ivan(?) person you summoned call you England?" I asked.

Francis's eye began to twitch, "B-Because they thought they were in England, thee country of course!" He stuttered. As he continued speaking, his words got harder to understand, "They most definitely didn't callhimthatbecausehereally is thecountryofEngland!" He began laughing worriedly.

I looked back over at Arthur, "Arthur? Tell me the truth, I'm sure Samantha wouldn't want you to say that she as lying about her final words." I stated.

Arthur gulped as he stood up, "I'm going to get us some tea first." He spoke.

I raised my finger over at the teapot that still contained tea I had made a while ago, "There is some right there!" I stated, standing up and following him.

We entered the kitchen and I blocked the entrance as I put my hands on my hips.

"Arthur, please tell me why those two called you that. If you don't tell me, I will tell everyone that England is your prostitute name!" I threatened, trying not to laugh at the thought.

His face reddened as he poured the left over hot water from the pot into a teacup. As he blushed, he lost his grip on the container and spilled the hot water on the counter, causing some to splash onto his hands. "Ow!" He exclaimed as he quickly set the container down. He raised his injured hand up to his face and covered it with his other hand.

"Are you alright?" I quickly rushed over, pulling a rag off of the other end of the counter, I walked over to a barrel beside the storage room and opened it up, the water within it was cold and fresh.

I submerged the rag in it then pulled it out. As I squeezed the extra water out of the rag, I noticed a the door knob of the storage room had blood on it. I frowned slightly, as I walked in front of Arthur, "Give me your hand." I spoke, he lowered his hand and I gently wrapped the cold rag around it.

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