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Chapter Ten

"So long ago, I bought it from a guy in the streets at night, because it seemed that he was very trustworthy and all, so he gave it to me." Francis spoke.

Because of course, buying something from a stranger on the streets at night is always smart..

"Okay, so what you're saying is that you bought this from a man on the streets and you have no idea why you went out of your way to hide it under some tiles?" Arthur asked.

Francis smiled and nodded eagerly, "Yes, exactly, I'm glad you both understand, can you untie me from this chair so I can leave now?"

Arthur turned towards me and raised his eyebrows, I shook my head 'no', trying to ignore the fact that I'm just now realising how huge his eyebrows are, how did I miss that the past chapters? They take up half of his face, he needs to get those things under control..!

Arthur turned back and smiled at Francis, "Maybe we should leave you until dinner so you can speak?" He stood up half way before Francis rocked foreword in the chair, crying, "Please no, not another hour!"

Arthur sat back down and laughed, "Then why did you hide this?"

"I hid it because I stole it from Johnny, but only because he told me my hair was flat and ugly! I hid it because it scared me!" He explained.

"So you stole it? You knew Johnny?" I asked.

"Not personally, he visited last season so that we could become friends, but it didn't end well, obviously." He huffed.

"What? I thought you said that no one knew of this place's location!" Arthur exclaimed.

"Well not a lot of people, you know, I try to make friends and so, only certain people know about this place." He spoke.

"Yes, but if he suspects you of assisting Arthur in kidnapping me, then he will find his way here with ease." I spoke.

"Yeah, that's if he ever suspects me, which he won't, so relax, untie me, we can laugh about this whole thing over some grape wine, I'm giving red wine a vacation. Say, what's that made of? If grape wine is made of grapes, is red wine made of red? Is that some sort of ingridient? Is red code word for-" Francis continued to think aloud as I turned over to Arthur.

"He hasn't said much about this other than the fact that it scared him, but how?" I asked, holding onto the necklace.

"Maybe it's black magic?" Arthur asked, the room felt tense all of the sudden.

I then burst out into laughter, "Haha, come on, I know it's the 13th century and all, but can we at least be logical and scientific here? Black magic? Haha!"

Arthur's face heated up, "it's the 13th century, of course we can't be logical and scientific about this!"

My laughing soon came to an end, "Right... Well, in that case, oh god, black magic? What kind of horrid things did Johnny do with that kind of power?" I gasped.

Arthur rolled his eyes before responding, "Well, we could ask a sorcerer or magician for one-"

"For fucks sake." I inturupted, leaving the room with the necklace in one hand.

As the doors closed behind me, I looked down at the necklace, maybe there was a book on it or something I could use to know why Johnny had it. Maybe we're all just reading too far into it and it's completely useless.

Still, I sort of wish it has some magic power, I mean, how cool would that be?

"_____!" I looked up to see Feliciano running towards me, "Help me!" He cried.

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