The Meal

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Chapter Seven
The Meal

"I have some guards outside and inside on patrol, they're searching for whoever it was that you saw." Francis assured me as he entered the dining room.

He looked over at Arthur who was sitting beside me at the table, but neither said a word.

Antonio, Lovino, and Feliciano sat down around the table, it was a pretty big dining room for only us, six.

"We're well protected in here, so let's have that meal you wanted oh so badly, then we'll talk about this." Francis raised the ring, he held it in his hands, it was now clean.

I nodded as he continued, "This ring is made of gold, you know, you can always sell it if you don't want it. I'm sure it's worth a good amount of money." He laughed lightly and put it on, "or you can give it to me, I look good in jewelry."

Arthur rolled his eyes, "First of all, you know you don't. Second, give her back the ring, she's better off selling it." He spoke, he held his hand out for Francis to put the ring in his hands. However, as Francis tried to take the ring off, he quickly became anxious as he realised that it was stuck. "Not again." He mumbled quietly, frantically pulling at it.

"You. Are. An idiot." Arthur sighed, letting his hand fall to the table top.


After we had finished eating, Feliciano, Lovino, and Antonio left Francis, Arthur, and I in the dining room.

"Before you go to bed, _____, we do have to talk about this." He raised his hand, showing the ring to us.

"R-Right, it's a gold ring, goodnight." I spoke, wanting to avoid the topic.

"I know that, and that's not what we were going to talk about, sit down, will you?" He sighed.

I say back down and crossed my arms, "There's not much to tell, really, I got dressed and saw the ring on the drawer, after that I called for Arthur then we saw a glimpse of a person leaving through the window."

Francis tugged at the ring on his finger as I explained myself, "Perhaps it was jut our minds playing a trick, don't you think? After all, who would know that we are out here?" I asked.

"I can name a few people." Francis stated. "Samantha escaped a while ago, she could have told someone about this place. Then there's that spy friend of ours." Francis laughed as he looked at Arthur.

"What spy friend?" Arthur wondered aloud.

"James, remember? He's working as a servant in Johnny's castle place, he could have given up our location, or it was him who you saw." Francis explained.

"What? James? He's a traitor too?" Arthur asked, flabbergasted.

(A.N: flabbergasted is a funny word.)

"Yeah, you should really consider interrogating the strangers you ask to join you in your adventures." France joked.

Arthur frowned as he turned towards me, "You aren't going to betray me, are you?" He asked. I laughed, thinking is was a joke, but as I realised he wasn't joking, my laugh turned into a cough, "Oh, no."

"Good." He spoke, turning back towards Francis, "While we are here, can you now explain to me why we are in France?"

Francis' expression changed as he took his eyes off of the ring and stood up, "It's getting dark out, you two should really go to bed now."

Arthur squinted over at me, my eyes widened, it's not like I wanted to be the one to tell him that the plague had hit London. "You know, don't you?" He asked me.

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