Ne Ne Mother-

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Chapter Six
Ne Ne Mother-

Arthur quickly turned hostile just by seeing Francis. He tried to stand and attack him or something with the lace handkerchief on the table, but upon standing, he collapsed on the floor. Déjà vu...

I held back my laughter since the mood seemed tense.

"_____? A hand please?" Arthur cried out.

I walked to his side and held my hand out, he took it and I helped him back to his seat.

"Why are you so mean?" Francis huffed as he walked closer. He gave me a smile and I made my way out of the room.

Once out, I looked around the room, it was empty which gave me some relief. I loosened my petticoat by unbuttoning the buttons and let my hair down. Dressing up is so tiresome.

Just as I was about to take another step to my room, I heard someone call out to me, "_____!" I turned to see Antonio.

"Hi.." I froze. He was wearing his farming clothes so he wouldn't comment on my appearance. In his hands, he carried a basket filled with tomatoes.

"Is he still asleep?" He asked.

I nodded, "They're in the dining room right now, you know Arthur and Francis." I explained.

"I know who you meant." He laughed lightly, "I'm going to go make the food for tonight then, I've waited quite some time to make it, actually. Do you want to help?" He asked. He paused momentarily but before I could answer, he added, "You don't have to help, of course, I know you're not really into doing these chores, but it'll be fun." He smiled.

I laughed lightly as I picked a tomato out of the basket and tossed it in the air, "it's no problem, I'd be more than happy to help!" I admitted.

He turned, the smile still printed on his face, "Great! I don't think you've ever seen the kitchen, so this should be fun!"

I frowned slightly at the tomato, Antonio couldn't see me since his back was turned to me so he wouldn't think I'm peculiar for frowning at food. I dusted it off with the blue part of my skirt then took a bite out of it.

It.. Wasn't that bad.


"I'm surprised, I thought I would feel happier when you were awake, but no." I admitted to Arthur who leaned on the table.

The kitchen doors opened and Feliciano and Lovino entered, carrying two bowls of food and wine. Maybe the drink would ease some of his pain.

"Just set them there." I ordered the two. They did as so then left the room quickly.

I gave a sigh and sat on the table, "I know it's a little rude of me, but now, if you want to eat, which I'm sure you do, you have to go and get your food." I pointed to the other end of the rooms where the hot food was.

He just stared at me, "What am I doing here? What is _____ doing here? In Paris, to be exact.

I got off of the table and explained, "Right now, we're all in my castle. Samantha was here too but when she tried to get you and ____ back to London, I sent her down to the cellar. She can't just disobey me in my own home."

"She's in the cellar?" She frowned.

"Not anymore, I sent someone to give her food, but she took their keys and escaped. I've sent an assassin for her, but there's been no words from either. Not yet." I spoke.

"You idiot." Arthur hissed, pushing himself up. He was putting his weight on the table, now making his way towards the food. He was still a long way though.

1348 (Hetalia x Reader)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora