Golden Amulet

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Chapter Nine
Golden Amulet

"How far do you think the medical progress is for the plague?" I asked Antonio, he shrugged as he played cards with Lovino and Feliciano, "It's pretty questionable, I mean, it doesn't seem like we have what it takes to figure it out yet."

"What do you mean?" My hands began to sweat, I felt somewhat uneasy, I quickly pulled out my emergency mirror in my pocket at looked at myself, "Oh Francis, you're so beautiful." I relaxed.

"No, you're fucking pathetic." Lovino commented without even batting an eye at me.

I rolled my eyes and smiled at myself, "Don't worry, gorgeous, he's just jealous that he doesn't have golden locks as silky as yours."

"Frog!" Arthur shouted as he entered the dining room.

"Oh, you're awake?" I asked.

"Yes, did you all seriously believe I would stand around and feel bad about England right now? I have to move on and figure out how to fix the problem at hand and-" ______ then elbowed Arthur, "Ow!" He shouted, looking over at her.

"Get to the point, oh my god, Arthur, just pull the thing out." She complained.

"Yeah, ehem, Yes, right..." Arthur straightened himself out.

I stared, bored.

"What is this and why was it hidden beneath the tiles in the east hallway, leading towards the doors?" Arthur asked, he held a golden amulet in his hands.

My eyes widened slightly, but I quickly forced one of my illustrious laughs, "Honhon, if I knew my castle had hidden treasure laying around, I would have began tearing it apart ages ago."

____ squinted, "Francis, you helped design this place, you told me, so you know what this is, don't you?"

I stopped laughing, I realised that Antonio, Lovino, and Feliciano were all watching as well. I took a glance at myself in the mirror then smiled over at the two, "I can safely assure you both that I know nothing about that."

I looked at the necklace for a moment, everyone was quiet, then I squinted, I might as well put up a show here, "Actually, wait, allow me to see it again." I commanded. I stood up and walked up to them, Arthur handed it over to me and I inspected it.

Of course I already knew what it was, that's why I hid it. They weren't supposed to find this...

"Ah, yes, I remember now." I said, holding the necklace up to the light. I walked a few steps away from the two, they must have believed that I was about to do something to explain the item to them, however, once I was at a safe distance from them, I went into a sprint.

"Honhon, you should have never touched this!" I stated while running.

"Hey, come back!" ______ called out.

"Dammit, you frog, you're always up to no good." Arthur said as he was about to run after me, Antonio stopped him though, he's so loyal to- agh!

I cupped my beautiful face and tumbled foreword on the floor, dropping the amulet a foot away from me.

"What did you do?" I asked, looking over at Antonio.

"Me? Nada, that was all Lovino." He pointed at Lovino, who held some cards in his hands.

"I realised that you can throw cards and cut things if you throw hard enough, by the way, your nose is bleeding." Lovino spoke.

I removed my hand from my face to see blood, my eyes widened as I reached for the mirror in my pocket, to my shock, it was completely cracked. I could see a straight cut on the left side of my nose though.

"Why do you all hate me?" I cried as I reached for the amulet, as I did though, _______ picked it up from the ground, "It looks to expensive to be dropped, I'll take good care of it, but if you want it back, I want a bloody fine reason as to why I should give it to you." She snickered.

"I'm bloody fine," I mocked her accent, "is that reason enough, mon cher?" I asked.

She laughed and stood up, she then offered her hand, which I took.

"What's so special about it? And why did you hide it?" She asked as she walked away, admiring the necklace.

"Well, that... Just don't put it on... Please, that's all I'm asking, please don't." I begged, staring as she turned towards me.

"Can I put it on?" Feliciano happily asked.

"What? No? No one can wear this, okay?" I stated.

"Of course we can wear it, do you not know how to put a necklace on?" Feliciano asked.

"No, yes, I know how to put it on, but that's not what I mean, no one can put it on, because it's bad, okay?" I explained.

"What kind of bad? Pizza that tastes like fish and vinegar bad or-" I quickly cut him off, "No, bad like bad things happen, just don't!"

Everyone remained silent for a moment before Arthur finally spoke out, "Are you talking about that pizza I made once? You and Lovino helped me make that."

"Yes and look and how badly you fucked up, Arthur, you need to reevaluate your life if you honestly think you're going to get somewhere as a fucking chef." Lovino snapped.

"You know, if there ever comes a day where people are seeking the approval of a British person on their food, then you have to admit I'm great." Arthur spoke.

I watched along with _____ as we saw how badly this got off topic.

"Hell fucking yes, because that will seriously never happen." Lovino crossed his arms.

"I can see it now!" Arthur stated, ignoring Lovino's comment, "Everyone will watch as multiple people who think their cooking is fantastic will be put to the test against one another until only one is left standing as the best chef while the British judge tells the others about how bad their cooking is and how the only reason the chicken crossed the road is because they didn't cook it right." He laughed by himself as ___ turned towards me.

"Whatever it is that you are hiding from all of us, I will find out. You promised when we got on the ship to come here that you would be honest with me." She spoke.

I gulped, "Oui, I know, it's just, I don't know how to explain this to you."

"It's fine." She spoke, "Just tell me in the next chapter, Francis."

"Alright... Wait, what?"


Dude, you know that feel when you are minding your own Buisness, but you feel like people are staring at you or talking about you, or just staring at your screen?

Yeah, I friggin hate it, especially when it's one person in particular, and you gotta scratch your nose or fix your shirt or whatever without making it look like you are doing something else.

Then whenever you casually look I've to check if they really are watching you, then you realise that that aren't and relax momentarily until they look over and you both make ackward eye contact... Then they're thinking that you're staring at them.

Anyways, enjoy the chapter, but comment what you think the necklace/amulet is, it's gold but I didn't mention the shape or any engravings so let the ideas fly ;3

Tbh, I don't think the author even knows what it is, haha what a dork xD

Have a good day now, until next time~

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