Chapter 27

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"We're here."

Those were the word Chunhua dreaded hearing at the vehicle came to a stop and the back opened. She quietly slipped out, following Yuechen.

"Miss me?"

Chunhua immediately hugged her cousin, Ten gently patting her back. Throughout the time in the Underground City, she and the others had kept in touch with him.

While Chunhua was greeting Ten, she noticed the Renjun and Chenle had immediately attached themselves to Winwin, who was trying to peel the two off. She decided to reach out and grab Xiaojun, pulling him towards her cousin.

"This is my boyfriend." Chunhua proudly announced. "Xiao Dejun."

Both Ten ans Xiaojun seemed shocked but still exchanged awkward greetings until Winwin cleared his throat.

"The arena can't protect you all forever." Winwin told them with dark eyes. "We should get going."

Ten nodded in agreement, giving Chunhua a pat on the head. "We should go, Yangyang's waiting."

Chunhua took a deep breath, glancing back at her parents in the vehicle one more time before following the group into the battle arena.



Xiaojun couldn't help but glare as he watched Yangyang give Chunhua a big hug, his girlfriend ruffling the other cyborg's hair.


Xiaojun scoffed as he crossed his arms and for a moment, wished he still felt no emotions. Chunhua soon turned around, motioning him over and the seciond she took his hand, the thought subsided.

"Ready to go?" Chunhua asked as they places their hoods over their heads, trying to conceal their identities as they moved towards the train station. Apparently, it took a while for Winwin to get it cleared, but he had done it.

"I guess." Xiaojun said, taking a deep breath as the train approached.

The wind blew through their hair and when the train stopped, they entered the last compartment, the one closed off to only the cyborgs of Intelligence.

"How has Intelligence changed?" Xiaojun asked as they got seated, Chunhua and Xiaojun sliding their hoods off.

"I'm not sure." Yangyang sad, fiddling with his fingers. "I just know that Hendery has been training really hard with Lucas."

"They don't know, do they?" Chunhua asked, as they felt the train come to a stop. Two more to go.

"They don't." Yangyang said, avoiding Xiaojun's eyes. "So you two need to be careful."

Xiaojun already knew what Yangyang was hinting and could tell Chunhua did too. It was clear that without back up inside of the facility, there mission would be a lot harder than they anticipated.

"We'll be good to go in though, right?" Chunhua said, revealing the newly programmed silver band on her wrist.

Yangyang took a second to scan it, letting the program inside his head process the data before nodding his head.

"You'll have access and I'll disable the cameras, but keep in mind there are a lot of workers in there." Yangyang warned them. "It'll be easy to get caught. Plus, they'll quickly realize that the cameras aren't working."

"We'll work quickly." Xiaojun reassured him. "Plus, we're both trained, we can take the workers."

"I'm not worried about the workers." Yangyang muttered under his breath just as the train began to slow down, signalling their approach.

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