Chapter 15

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Chunhua didn't know what to do as she dragged her feet towards her bed, recalling her conversation with Kun.


"You've been messing with the video cameras, haven't you?" Kun asked, his face no longer as friendly as it was before.

Chunhua didn't want to answer, keeping her head down. That made her answer loud and clear.

Kun sighed, leaning back in his seat. "I guess I'll have to deal with whoever actually tampered with them."

Chunhua widened her eyes, standing up. "No!" Not Yangyang, please.

Kun seemed satisfied as he spun in his chair, hand on the armrest. "Then listen to my next instructions."

Chunhua sat back down, Kun sliding a folder towards her. She opened it up, revealing a vacation request form.

"You're good at what you do, Chunhua. I think you fit in right here at the training facility." Kun told her before his face changed. "But you're distracting one of my best battle cyborgs, and I can't have that."

"What are you talking about?" Chunhua asked, looking up but she instantly regretted it as she met Kun's eyes.

"Feelings, your training revolves around feelings." Kun said, lacing his fingers together as he placed his hands on the table. "Which is good for all of them except one."

Xiaojun, Chunhua realized as Kun eyed the form.

"I think you realized, now." Kun said, lifting his eyes to meet hers again. "Xiaojun, he's a good battle cyborg and both of us know that. The competitors are getting stronger and stronger though and we know that if Xiaojun begins feeling emotions, he won't be able to fight."

No, that's not true, Chunhua thought as Kun reached out, tapping the form.

"Just a simple vacation, that's all you need." Kun told her. "A few weeks off so Xiaojun can get his mind back where it needs to be. Then you can come back, and it will be like you two never met before."

What are you planning to do to him?

Chunhua narrowed her eyes, tempted to fight the head of Intelligence but knew he was too powerful for her to even make a dent.

"I know it's tempting not to agree to this." Kun said, giving the form a small push. "But if Xiaojun shows another emotion, he's going to be sent back to the Research Facility for more tests."

"No." Chunhua said immediately, knowing that Xiaojun might not even make it through those tests alive.

"Then your choice shouldn't be that hard then." Kun said, and Chunhua heard the door to his office open behind her, signalling that their meeting was over.


"I'm so sorry." Chunhua whispered as she lay there in her bed, wishing that all of this was just a bad dream.

"I'm so sorry that it had to be like this."


"No." Xiaojun breathed out, tempted to towards the train station in hope of seeing Chunhua one last time.

Lucas had just annouced that Chunhua would be stepping down from her position for the next while, finding it a bit too overwhelming to work for Intelligence at such a high level. Xiaojun knew that Kun had played a big role in this, and wanted to do anything he could to prevent this from happening.

Hendery stopped him though, grabbing onto Xiaojun and shaking his head.

"You can't." Hendery reminded him as Xiaojun felt the eyes of the others on him, and knew that they were all waiting to see his next move. "Research Facility."

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