Chapter 26

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"You're sloppy." Chunhua smiled as Xiaojun caught his breath, narrowly missing her attack.

They were in the training area built in to the building the Zhong's lived in. It had been a few days since they started planning, and it was only a matter of time until they returned to Central.

"It's not my fault you're professionally trained." Xiaojun shook his head, but a grin was still on his face.

"I mean you are too." Chunhua said, lurching forward for another attack. "Just not like me."

This time, Xiaojun anticipated her attack, grabbing onto her wrist and pushing her back until her back hit the mat on the wall with a soft thud.

He smirked before leaning forward to give her a kiss when the door to the training area opened, making Xiaojun move back as Chenle shrieked.

"My eyes." Chenle whined, rubbing his eyes while Renjun rolled his eyes. On the other hand, Yuechen seemed quite entertained.

"You two seem to be making good use of this training area." Yuechen said, staring at the two.

"It's nice." Chunhua said, gently feeling the mats. "I can't believe your parents built this."

"Your parents helped." Renjun said, walking towards them. "This wouldn't be here if it weren't for them."

"Fair." Chunhua said, taking the bottle of water Xiaojun was passing her.

She wasn't quite sure where the two of them stood in their relationship. They cuddled at night together, exchanging a few kisses here and there, but they hadn't made any of it official.

Chunhua knew that a part of it had to do with Xiaojun's task of retrieving the orb. Even though he had encountered it before, it was still nervewrecking, especially considering the power it held.

"Are you alright?" Chunhua asked, noticing how quiet Xiaojun was as they made their way back to the apartment after finishing up a long day of training. "You seem a little out of it."

"It's just been a long day." Xiaojun said as he opened the door to their room for her. "You know, training is tiring."

"Not for you." Chunhua said. "You never get tired."

"I can't lie to you, can I?" Xiaojun sighed, running his fingers through his hair. Chunhua pouted, grabbing his hand and gently massaging it.

"I mean you can but I can just see through it." Chunhua told him. "Do you want to talk about it?"

"I'm just worried." Xiaojun confessed. "I know everyone is but the orb, it's power is no joke. Despite what Renjun says, I'm not sure if I can really survive that thing again."

"I think you have every right to be worried." Chunhua said, sitting down on the bed and pulling him him with her. She rested her head on his shoulder, playing with his fingers. "Most of the mission is on you back, it's a lot of stress."

"But I won't be alone though." Xiaojun said, making Chunhua lift her head. "You'll be by my side through it all."

"I guess I will." Chunhua said, smiling a Xiaojun pressed a soft kiss on her forehead.

"What would I do without you?"

Chunhua didn't know if it was the look in Xiaojun eyes or the tension between them, but the next words came out so naturally.

"I love you."

Xiaojun seemed surprised, his face changing Chunhua wondered for a moment if she had said it too early. His face quickly softened, reaching out to run his fingers through her hair.

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