Chapter 11

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I'm in big trouble, Xiaojun thought as he slowly let go of the girl still breathing heavily in his arms, knowing that the others were all staring.

When he heard the robot and turned around, Xiaojun knew that there was no way that Chunhua's human body would react in time, so he spun them around, taking the hit for her. It hurt as much as a slap would, but that wasn't the issue.

The issue was that Xiaojun, the battle cyborg that was known for being heartless and having no emotions, had protected someone. He had cared enough to take the hit for someone else, and everyone inside the training area had witnessed it.

In his defence, he could have argued that Chunhua would have had terrible injuries if the robot had hit her instead. The thing was, Xiaojun could have simply pushed her out of the way but instead, he held her like their lives depended on it.

Xiaojun wanted to curse at the member of their team that had accidentally sent the robot flying in Chunhua's direction in the first place. If it weren't for them, Xiaojun wouldn't be in this awkward situation.

Chunhua seemed to be just as flustered, quickly clearing her throat. Xiaojun couldn't help but wonder about what she thought of him.

Is she thankful? Does she think I'm weird? What if she never wants to work with me again? What about dinner tonight?

"Thanks Xiaojun, that was a good training session. I'll see you later then." Chunhua said, dismissing Xiaojun as she moved to the next member of the team that she would be working with.


Even though Chunhua was working with the different members of Alpha team, her mind was somewhere else.

Specifically on a certain cyborg named Xiaojun.

Why did he do that? Chunhua thought as she observed Hendery fight against the robot. He could have just pushed me away, but why did he save me like that?

"Are you alright?" Hendery asked, pulling Chunhua out of her trance. She watched as a smirk appeared on his face, bouncing up and down excitedly. "Are you feeling giddy from what Xiaojun did earlier?"

"I- No!" Chunhua replied, a bit louder than intended as a few others around her turned their heads in her direction. She could already feel her cheeks heating up and for a moment, wished that she wasn't human so she could be programmed to hide her true feelings. "Just focus on your attack more, it's weak."

"That's because this isn't my fighter side." Hendery sung playfully. "But you're too distracted by someone else, aren't you?"

As much as Chunhua wanted to argue that she wasn't, she knew that she would be lying. Thankfully, the doors opened and Lucas stepped in, signalling that it was the end of their training session.

She quickly wrapped up her lesson, trying to get out of the training area as fast as possible. That's when she remembered that she was supposed to have dinner with Xiaojun that night, groaning in frustration as she entered her room, staring at her own reflection.

"You're a mess." Chunhua told herself as she pulled the hair tie holding her hair up, letting her hair fall over her shoulders. "Come on, he's just your student, a cyborg that you train."

But Chunhua knew herself better than that as she took a bath, in hopes of calming down her thoughts. She knew that Xiaojun was on her mind for a reason, and it was a lot more than because of their moment that day.

Chunhua found herself wearing a nice blouse and a skirt, her hair in light curls as she answered the door. She bit her lip as Xiaojun stared at her for a moment, his eyes roaming her body.

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