The Silent Alpha: The Beckon- Chapter 2

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The Silent Alpha

Chapter 2

*The main character is deaf and communicates by using American Sign Language*

© Copyright All Rights Reserved

Victoria's POV

It's been three months since I met Michael; he was a new student at the school. He had brown hair with a red tint, brown eyes, and brightly tanned skin. He was so full of life and energy that it was so contagious. His outlook on life shaped a lot of who he is, and he smiles so much. I honestly loved it. I'd smile whenever he'd smile too; somehow, smiling makes me feel happier. 

We always talked; we even had a few classes together. At that moment, we were walking down to the lunch line from our English class. People would stare at us and talk every day, but we ignored them. At least, I would. Michael would get angry and maybe say something to them, but when I asked what they said, he'd shake it off and add one of his contagious smiles to his face. I couldn't help but move on from my impending nagging. He was so worth staying happy for. 

There were so many feelings I was going through right now. How could someone make me feel this way so fast? Michael was so different from me; he was funny and socially adapted. On the other hand, I am the kid who can only have the teacher as a partner in classes. People avoided me like the plague. It wasn't like a smell or making weird faces. It was just that I was deaf, and not a single person knew American Sign Language. Not to mention that using my voice is not an option since I was made fun of for it in the ninth grade. I took years of speech lessons, so I know how to speak, but never hearing myself changes things, and many people here aren't too kind to those things. So I keep my voice locked away, never to be heard again.

"So, I've wanted to ask you something," Michael said, moving his hands slowly. Seeming to drag out his statement. I was wondering what he had to say. Oh my goodness! Was he going to ask me to be his girlfriend? I've always wanted to tell him how much I liked him, but I never built the strength to do it. If this was going to be the moment, I would take it.

"What is it?" I asked; I looked up at him; my eyes just met his chin and followed his jawline and hair. Heat rushed through me; from head to toe, I felt a chill of ice and heat. I knew underneath my jacket there were goosebumps pressing the surface. How could he make me feel this way so quickly? He looked at me for a minute before continuing.

"I was wondering if you'd like to come to my house later." His house? Now only the feeling of heat ran across my skin. His house? I've never been to a boy's house before.

My eyes widened as more questions raced across my mind. Would it just be him and me? I mean, it's not that I'd be uncomfortable or anything.

He must've seen the scared look on my face because he immediately began to defend his intentions. "No, nothing freaky. I mean unless you wanted to." I nearly gasped in shock, but I felt nothing but laughter ripple through me. This guy is so annoying! I smacked his hands away. I was so done listening to what he had to say.  Michael laughed as well, looking away as a light pink tint filled his cheeks. "I just wanted you to meet my family." 

I smiled. Oh my. He wants me to meet his family? "I didn't know we were on that level yet," I said jokingly. Though, he didn't seem to find it funny. Now he looked shocked as if he had overstepped and possibly thought I saw him as a creep.

"I'm sorry. I don't want to make you uncomfortable. You are one of the coolest friends I've ever had; I told them that you're deaf, and they wanted to meet you. Plus, my entire family is deaf aside from me, so they really want to meet you." he explained quickly. After he finished, I placed my hands on top of his. There were times when I didn't need to sign what I was feeling. Sometimes, I would just use my hands in other ways to convey those same emotions. Some motions would be when I ran my fingers through his hair, pulled on his earlobe, smacked his hands away mid-sentence, and rubbed my hands over his. Each action expresses emotion in a way I couldn't explain. Michael looked down at me and then at our hands. I smiled at him as I let go. 

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