Chapter 53 - New Faces

Start from the beginning

"Ight, Z. Liz, thanks. I didn't think anything like that. I agree. We lost close friends. Let's make sure we spend this time we have with each other to the fullest."

"So, what now?"

"Well, Rosalin, I think we should all perfect our skills and-"
"Riveck, it's nice to see you trying to put your input more in these group conversations but, no. I suggest nobody even think about the mission, don't even think about Corrupted or fighting or anything like that. We need to relax and enjoy each other's company without stress."

"Understood. You're correct, Z719."

"Uhm. Thanks, Riveck. We should relax for the rest of the day. We will be leaving soon anyway. Tomorrow, Rosalin and I will have plans for us. Everyone better be here. We don't have any missions to do nor are we expected to anything during our two weeks so, there are no excuses."

Everyone nods in agreement. Lizzie takes me to our room and closes the door.

She lets out a long sigh.

"What's wrong?"

"What's right?"
She laughs.

"What do you mean?"

After saying that, I notice tears gently running down her face.

"I love you so much, Nathaniel. In three weeks... We can be separated. I don't wanna lose you. I don't want to die. I'm freaking out and I haven't had a second to breathe."

"Woah, hey. It's okay. I'm here."

I hold her as she puts her head into my chest and clenches her hands on my back.

"Pamela. I... I lost control. I don't know what happened and I just... I woke up so confused and quickly pieced it together. I killed her."

"No-no-no. You didn't kill her, baby. Calm down. Breathe. It's okay. You know we can't think that way."

"But, it was still me. I should have been stronger and controlled it."

"That just isn't possible, Lizzie. You cannot blame yourself for that. Nobody could ever expect that from you. It just isn't something that can be done and we understand that."

"I have always been stronger than it... I don't want anyone else to die. I can't handle it anymore. After Zander... Fuck!"

She bursts into tears.

"I know, baby. It's okay. He's in a better place."

"Did we do him wrong? Nathaniel... I-I need to ask you something. I need you to be completely honest with me."

She pushes away from me and keeps her head down.

"Of course! I never would lie to you."

"Mhm... I need to know... I can't live with myself not knowing if I made the right decision. Were you... Fuck. Were you lying to me about what he said about me before I left him?"

"Lizzie, I-holy shit, of course I wasn't lying. You know when I do and I only did that once. Look at me."

I lift her chin gently. Her beautiful blue eyes stare deep through my eyes.

"He regretted it. I can't remember when but, he told me it was an act for his friends. Now, whether or not he was lying to me about that... I... I believe he did care about you a lot. I don't think, however, that he realized how he felt or that what he was doing was wrong until you left him. I believe he did make a genuine mistake and he really did have a bad mindset about being in a relationship. He learned from it... He regretted how he acted."

There's a pause and silence for a minute.

"Thank you. For being honest. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to make it seem like I regret anything I did. I love you."

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