Me- "Ivan stop, not now please."

Ivan- "Just relax and let it happen."

     He takes my shirt off and slowly starts kissing down my torso. I try to stop him but he grabs both of my hands and holds them above my head. There's nothing I can do to stop him. He's way stronger than I am. All I can do is hope that Trip doesn't walk out. He gets to right above my dick and adjusts to where one of his hands is holding both of mine. He uses his free hand to slide my pants off and start to take my boxers off. Fuck me, it's hot.

Me- "Ivan please..."

Ivan- "You're so hot when you beg."

Me- "Ivan stop...please..."

     He kisses my thighs and slowly makes his way towards my dick until he finally starts going down on me. I look up at the ceiling as I take in how good it feels. I haven't had an orgasm in months and I have to try not to cum too fast.
     Suddenly I hear footsteps coming from the hallway. I try to struggle to get my hands free but Ivan just squeezes tighter.

Me- "Ivan please, stop right now."


Trip's POV

     I cant hear who is at the door but I can only assume it's Ivan. I don't understand what he sees in him. Ivan sexually assaulted him and he still wants to be with him after that? The mind works in mysterious ways I guess, but what Aaron and I have is different. We have chemistry, history. Why would he choose him over me?
     It's taking too long for Aaron to come back, I should go check out what's going on. As I inch my way down the hallway I start to hear weird sounds. Then my instincts turn on when I hear this simple sentence come out of Aaron's mouth.

Aaron- "Ivan please, stop right now."

     I quickly run out to the living room and I see Ivan holding Aaron down while he's giving him a blow job. Aaron is struggling to get out but Ivan is too strong. I rush over and pull Ivan off of him.


Aaron's POV

     I suddenly hear running coming from the hallway and try my best to fight Ivan. I can't even wiggle my hands because of how tight his grip is. Then I see him, Trip running over to us. He rips Ivan off of me.

Trip- "What the fuck are you doing?"

Ivan- "What are you talking about? He wanted it!"

Trip- "Obviously not if he was trying to fight your grip on him! He also was telling you to stop!"

Ivan- "He just didn't want to cum too fast, that's it! You act like you're his dad, relax! He wanted it!"

Me- "Just shut the fuck up for one second!"

     They both look at me, Ivan in shock and Trip triumphantly.

Me- "Ivan, I didn't want to have sex...I knew Trip was in the other room. I was trying to tell you but you just kept going and it was so hard trying to get a word out...I don't know how to say this..."

Trip- "Just tell him Aaron..."

Me- "...I have feelings for both of you..."

     They both just stare at me. I really fucked up. I can't choose who I want, what the fuck has my life become? I feel like I'm living a soap opera.

Aaron FlexOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant