chapter twenty one

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"Seriously? Finally time for them to start dating." Eren chuckled.

"I know. I think it was when Marcel basically exposed Porco for liking Pieck and then me exposing to Porco that Pieck feels the same way but they're so cute." you said.

It's been a week since you found out that Eren was sick and he told you that he's been getting better. You still had to wear gloves and a mask but other than that, everything was fine.

"Anyways, I think you should head home. You should visit Levi, you've been staying at your mom's house instead of his for a week." Eren said and you immediately shook your head.

"No way. I can stay longer." you said.

"Y/N, please go home. It's 10pm." Eren said.

"No, I'll stay over again-"

"Y/N." Eren said, his voice leaking with seriousness. "Go home."

You looked at him for a moment before sighing in defeat and grabbed your things to head out. "Fine. Goodnight, Eren." you said as you were about to head out.

"Goodnight." Eren said.

As you were about to leave something within you stopped you.

Tell him, Y/N.

"Also I... Uhm... I have something to tell you." you said.

"What is it?" Eren asked.

You stood there frozen as you contemplated your thoughts and words.

You were really about to do it.

"I lov-"

But for some reason the words stopped from coming out of your mouth. I shouldn't be pressuring him with my emotions during these difficult times you thought. That would be selfish of me.

But then you shook your head, It's not selfish. He likes me back, right?!

Don't be selfish, Y/N.

You sighed as you closed your mouth. "Nevermind. I'll tell you when you're all better." you said and left leaving Eren kinda confused.

After ten minutes of you leaving, Dr. Hange came in and hooked up the I.V. and blood pressure pad.

Something with Ebola is that the pressure of your blood determines if your dying or not and Eren's was extremely low.

Hange snuck a glance at Eren's depressed face. "You should tell her, you know." Hange said. "Tell her that your not actually okay."

Eren looked down trying his best to bite back the tears of the thought of him not being with you. "I could but..."

"...I don't like it when she cries."


You woke up in the comfort of your bed surrounded by fluffy beddings and pillows. Last night you couldn't sleep so you binged watch anime until 4am.

You yawn as you realized the reason you woke up was because Levi had been calling you.

You tiredly pick it up. "Yes?"

"Y/N. We need to talk. It's about the art competition." Levi said.


Eren looked out his hospital window by his bedside. He didn't realize it sooner but it was a scenery of the beach. The billowing sand and the ocean waves.

Eren has always expressed that when he grows older he's going to become crazy rich to go on a plane and cross to the mainland. The mainland was much more advance and high teched than Marvin Island. He wants to know what it's like to go beyond the bright sea.

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