chapter thirteen

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You enter the diner as the bells chimed and sat yourself down at one of the tables AWAY from the one you and Jean used to sit at.

"Oh! Hey, Y/N. What can I get you?" Pieck asked.

"Two milkshakes. One strawberry, the other chocolate. Then a cheesecake. Surprise me with the flavor." you said tiredly.

"Awh, you must not be over Jean. It's okay! A girl's gotta eat after getting their heart broken!" Pieck said while nudging your shoulder.

"Actually... the chocolate milkshake and cheesecake was for Annie but whatever..." you said.

"Oh! My! Goodness! You need to cope don't you?" Pieck said as she gasped in disbelief.

"I... Uh..." you stared at her dumbfounded.

"Tell me. Everything. I am here to listen and I promise that if there's any information you want to keep a secret," Pieck then does that zipper lock thing with her mouth and threw away the keys. "your secrets safe with me. Although I'm not sure if I can keep it a secret while I'm high..."

"Actually, we need you to make our food and milkshakes." a voice said. You both turn around and saw Annie in a hoodie and sweat pants.

"Annie! It's been so long!" Pieck cheered as she stood up and hugged Annie which Annie awkwardly hugged back.

"You guys know each other?" you asked.

"Of course! We used to be smoke buddies in middle school! What happened?!" Pieck asked.

"I wanted to save my lungs." Annie said and Pieck let out a scoff.

"Please. Lungs this, lungs that, everybody tells me stuff about lungs. Lungs don't exist, am I right?!" Pieck said.

"No." Annie answered bluntly.

"Haha! Your funny Annie. But anyways I'll make the cheesecake. I know you told me to surprise you but I'm going to get a strawberry one!" Pieck said and walked into the kitchen.

You and Annie freeze as you stared at each other before breaking out into laughter as Annie sat down.

"Has she always been like that?" you asked.

"Since kindergarten. She insufferable." Annie said. "So anyways, why'd you call me here?" Annie asked.

"I just thought... we can have girl time! We haven't had that since Jean and I broke up." you said and Annie stared at you with a face saying "I don't believe that BS."

"Urgh! Okay, fine. Something...happened a few days ago. Between me and Eren." you said.

"Keep going." Annie responded.

" know me and Eren and our friendship and backstory... So I don't have to explain that..." you said.

"Ugh! Just tell me before I leave the diner!"

"Eren kissed me and asked me out!" you cut her off and Annie stared at you with wide eyes.

"Well? What did you say?" Annie asked.

"Well we were on a ferris wheel. Cliché, I know, but he asked me to be his girlfriend. Before I could even make up my mind he kissed me." you explain.

"Did you want him to kiss you?" Annie asked.

"I don't know..." you whined. "But when we kissed... it just thought of Jean and..."

"I get it. You're scared that the same thing will happen again." Annie said and you nodded while sulking. "So what did he respond with when you rejected him?"

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