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{Y/N pov}

Y/N sat comfortably on the edge of the black couch in the living room. The windows were open and brought in beams of light from the afternoon sun, warming the room to a comfortable degree.

She'd been sent a letter by an old friend that he and his buddies needed help during a war. She'd agreed under the circumstances that people wouldn't be able to trace anything back to her.

She wasn't terribly concerned about someone finding her home, as it was buried underground and locked by redstone to keep unwanted visitors out, but she still didn't want to bother dealing with raiders or other nuisances in her home.

And even if someone did find their way in, she was more than capable of fighting them off.

Y/N snapped out of her thoughts as the large oak doors to her left swung wide open. She turned to face the young man that stood in the door way, his brown eyes widening as he recognized her face. A bright smile crawled across his face as his eyes twinkled in the sunlight.

"Y/N, you actually came." He seemed to stare at her in disbelief and she stood up, nodding to him. He stepped forward and reached his arms out to hug her. She inched back in surprise but it wasn't enough to get out of his reach.

He wrapped his arms around her back, pulling her into a tight hug and burying his face on her shoulder as he breathed a sigh of relief.

She awkwardly pat his back and he pulled away, staring at her eyes with such a fondness it was almost cute. "I'm so glad you're here. George and I missed you so much." Sapnap looked almost teary-eyed as he grinned at her, his hands still on her shoulders.

She smiled at him, patting his hands gently. She was half surprised he was so emotional seeing her, but she understood that they hadn't conversed in quite a while, and they'd had a good relationship before that.

He clasped his hands around hers and lead her out of the living room and into the main house through the large oak doors he'd come through. She immediately spotted the familiar blue shirt of her other friend, George, who was standing next to a much taller man wearing a green caplet with a hood.

George caught her eye and his expression morphed into a kind smile, his eyes shining with recognition and joy. He walked past the green man, who's face turned to watch his companion pass, revealing a round, white mask with a simple smiling face on it. The disc-like plate was scraped and cut cracked certain places, being well-worn and possible hit a few times.

George walked up to Y/N as she stood in the doorway, his arms outstretched as he pulled her into a hug.

She pat his back in response and he let go. "Y/N I'm so glad you came! You got the letter??"  He beamed as she nodded, shifting his glasses up so he could see her better.

The masked guy walked up to the three grinning friends and put his hand on George's shoulder, the brunette turning his head to look at him. "Is this the friend you were telling me about?" George grinned and nodded. "Yup! Her names Y/N. Y/N this is Clay, he goes by Dream though." George explained and moved out of the way so Y/N could greet Dream. She took his hand and shook it, nodding politely. He shook her hand and shifted his mask to fit better over his face, tilting his head down to look her over once before speaking.

"You don't talk much, do you?" Dream chuckled as the woman in front of him shook her head, her arms crossed at her chest as she stood leaning against the doorway.

"That's fine with me. Less secrets you can spill." His voice held some amusement.

Sapnap and George chuckled, Y/N giving a dismissive gesture with her hand and rolled her eyes.

Sapnap came up behind her, placing his hands on her shoulders and pushing her forward out of the door way. "Let me in you dork."

She felt him gently squeeze her shoulders as an affectionate gesture and moved away once he had enough space to slip by - but not without George noticing.

George offered to take Y/N around the house for a tour so she could get comfortable, and Sapnap said he'd go prepare Dinner. George offered for Dream to come with them but he said he was going to go on patrol for the night.

They said goodnight and George took Y/N's hand, leading her upstairs to the bedrooms.

He showed her his and Sapnap's rooms, pointing out little nicknacks and things she might find interest in. Curiously they didn't enter Dreams room, he only gestured to it before showing her the room she'd be staying in. She made note that the door has several locks instead of one like the others.

It was smaller than the other rooms and much cleaner. It looked like things had recently been placed there, as nothing was dusty and it looked recently painted too.

The room was a dark grey color, the bed and sheets a crisp white. Nothing was a particular style or pattern, just mundane colors and things so there was no distaste of colors or style choices.

"We can get you some decorations, plants or whatever else you might want once you've settled in. I might be able to convince Dream to carve you one of those little statue things he makes sometimes." George rambled as he watched Y/N look around the room.
He smiled as she admired the deep blue curtains, her fingers catching the thick fabric and studying the threads.

She glanced up at him, catching his gaze. He hummed in question with a tilt of his head, wondering if she wanted to sign something.

She glanced towards the door, hoping Sapnap wouldn't come through any time soon. She turned back to George, who was still waiting for an answer. George's eyes widened in surprise as she opened her mouth to speak, to say thank you for the accomodations, but just her luck, Sapnap burst through the door with a huge grin on his face.

"George! Y/N! You're not gonna believe this!" He exclaimed as he laughed, a glint of mischief in his eyes.

George scowled behind his glasses, a little upset that he hadn't gotten o hear Y/N's voice. She rarely ever spoke, and when she did it was like the sweetest gift you could ask for. Her voice was soft but not timid. She could be forcefully without sounding angry or cracked. It was smooth, and thoughtful. He liked hearing it.

"Sapnap! What is it?" George sighed, irritated. The brown eyed man ran over and grabbed Y/N's hand and then George's, pulling them down the stairs into the Dining room.

The room itself was nice. The table was moderately sized for all four of them, and a modest chandelier hung in the middle.

The table was set neatly, with a bouquet of flowers sitting in the middle, accompanied by a large setting of food.

George looked slightly surprised at the neat setting, but Sapnap pulled them to the window.


He pointed outside, and all three leaned into the window to see what it was.

In the middle of a garden-like plot sat Dream himself, sitting cross legged and petting a small calico cat.

George started chuckling while Sapnap just got excited.

Y/N assumed it was an odd sight for her friends so she smiled kindly.

Apparently Dream heard the commotion through the window because he looked up and seemed startled as he caught Y/N's gaze.

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