Veronica texted Archie the latest updates as well as Marie giving Joaquin updates. At 1:00 am the doctor came in and pulled FP as well as Jellybean and informed them they have done everything to save Jughead even when Jess gave it her all. FP came back in and Jess said.

"Is he ok?"

she asked quietly. You could see that she was frightened but hopeful.

FP didn't want to break her down and wanted to give her some positive news. He came over and kneel down at her eye level.

"Jess, he's gone.... they did all that they could."

Jess shakes her head in strong denial and backed her chair against the wall-feeling like she was 10 all over again for Everly's sake.

"No. Nope I'm not going to accept it!"

Jess breathe thinking about Everly at this very moment and it triggered her badly thinking back when she was 10.

"Everly is my age please I can't handle this. She's 10!- the same age I was when my mom died!"

Everyone finally registered what she just said as well as knowing the story from everyone's parents POV when her mom passed. Emily's death was a huge shock to the Riverdale community and still to this day, the loss is still felt.

"Damn!" FP said hitting the wall and feeling terrible.

Still in her denial Jess asked.

"Can I see Jughead?"

FP went to look for a nurse and he explained everything. The nurse looked at Jess and nodded. They followed the nurse and went into the elevator as Jess is still wrestling with the idea of Jug no longer on this earth. At the moment she prayed, hoping just for a moment that he is alert. The nurse let Jess go in and she slowly wheeled over to his bedside as memories of them came across her mind.

" Jess."

She waited for a sudden stir or just a touch.

"Please Jug, wake up."

She waited knowing that he had pulled through every single time, until reality set in. She finally cried as she is struggling to accept that she lost the love of her life. She weakly stood up from her chair, lean over to his side of the bed and hugged him as she asked him.

"What am I going to do?"

She sobbed.

"We were supposed to be growing old together!"

In the halls: FP, Jellybean, Veronica and Marie choke back tears and sobbed quietly as they listened to Jess. For FP, sadly every word that Jess spoke and he witnessed: Matt did uttered those exact words when Emily had passed. Hearing from Matt's all the way to Jess's mouth, broke him down to pieces. When Jess came out of the room believing it: Jellybean, Veronica and Marie embraced her as she dropped into FP's arms in disbelief.

"I knew he saved me, but I didn't want him to be hurt let alone gone. I thought for a moment he would pull through!"

FP and everyone understood.

Jess stayed around to fill out paperwork and the death certificate and picking everything at the funeral home. She did not get home until 3:00 am and the adrenaline rush through out Jess's body and mind just stopped. She just fell asleep not during the drive home, but as they pulled up to her house at that moment. No one had the heart to wake her since she needs to rest. In that moment, FP decided to take her to their house since he wanted to care for Jess and give her time to breathe. Veronica packed Jess's bag and then Joaquin picked up Marie as Archie and Ronnie cared for their Godkids, Matt and Everly. At the Jones house, FP got out and got her wheelchair inside as Jellybean watched her sis in law sleeping peacefully. Fp came out and opened the door and quietly unbuckled her seatbelt and whispered.

"Can you wrap your arm around my neck?"

Jess sleepily did and nuzzled into FP's shoulder as she mumbled.

"Bedtime Uncle FP?"

She said in her little voice. When she's at this level of exhaustion, her voice is little for sure.

"Yes Jessie, it is bedtime."

Jess yawned and tucked out for good. Gladys set up her bedroom and gently got her PJs on and tucked Jess in.

"Sweet dreams, Jess." Gladys say.

As they were leaving the room, Jess was scared and mumbled.

"Stay please?"

FP was expecting it and he did it for her.

He whispered.

"I will come back let me change."

Jess sleepily nodded. FP got changed and came back to Jess. Once inside, he sees her daughter in law, sit up in bed half asleep but still shaken up by all of this: The entire incident just rattled her.  For FP, the look on his daughter in law's face mirrored her father's heartache and shock. He remembered Matt going through this and as a father in law, it pained him to see history repeated itself, but Jessica is going through it.

"Oh Jess."

He said to himself.

Jess was shaking and crying silently.

"I miss Jug already."

FP knew she would need something of Jug to keep her relaxed, calm and help her doze off. He suddenly remembered one of Jessica's favorite things and ran to his son's room to grab his cologne: one of Jess favorite things of Jug's and ran back into her room and sprayed it around. Once the scent filled the room, Jessica relaxed feeling close to Jug again, but she feels like she need to hold onto something. So in her bag, FP found her rosary and Jessica held it close as she still sat up. Throughout all of this, FP was so patient with her as Jellybean and Glady watched it all from a camera app on their cell as they were worried about Jessica.  After using her rosary and prayed for peace, she starts to nod off as FP guided her not sure if she was going to fall out of the bed, but he was cautious as she drifted into sleep but she fell back into the bed and rest her head against FP's chest tucked out feeling safe as her right arm dangled on the edge of her bed which has her rosary dangling in her hand. FP smiled at the sight as it reminded him the first time she napped in his arms as a newborn and toddler.

"Night, my daughter in love." He said as he kissed her forehead and gently removed her rosary.

He turned off the light and whispered.

"Jug, I got her don't worry."

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