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The windows were dark, and I couldn't see where we were going. I had a guy with a gun sitting next to me, so I didn't dare try anything to escape.

I just prayed that Dream wasn't too angry from our previous conversation, because he might not even realize that I'm gone.

The car slowed to a stop. "We're here, get out," Wilbur commanded.

I did as he said, noticing Karl also getting out, but frowned at the lack of guards near his car. He wasn't making eye contact with me, even though I was staring straight at him. Did he have something to do with this?

I didn't have time to ponder, because I got shoved towards the building. It was old and dirty, and I couldn't see any other people on the street. They opened the door and shoved me inside.

This time, I was tied to a wall with my hands beside my head. My heart dropped when I saw Karl walk in, head down and with no cuffs or ropes.

"Karl? What's happening? What did you do?" I demanded, and he didn't answer. I heard him sniffle a bit, as confusion and betrayal clouded my mind.

Wilbur walked in, and following him, I saw a head of long pink hair.

"Hey, Dave," I greeted him, trying to get under his skin a bit. I was tired of him messing things up for Dream, and sticking his nose into our business.

"Hello George, it's nice to see you again," he replied, undeterred. He was shining a gleaming black pistol.

He motioned with his arm, and one of the bodyguards went and grabbed Karl's arms, holding them behind his back.

"Wait, what? We agreed tha-"

"Shut up," Dave snapped. "Don't talk unless you want your head blown off."

He walked over, handed the gun to the guard holding Karl, and said, "If I tell you to, I need you to shoot this guy in the head."

The guard nodded, and Karl visibly paled. My heart sped up as well. What was happening?

"So, George," he said, turning to me. "You're going to answer some questions for us, or your friend here is going to die, alright?"

"Did you blackmail him? I thought he was working for you?" I asked, confused.

"I threatened to kill some of his friends, in exchange for him getting you away from Dream. Right, Karl?"

"George! I promise I didn't want to, he sent men to beat me up if I broke the agreement. I'm sorry, I ju-"

"Be quiet!" Dave shouted. "Do you want to make me mad? I don't need you anymore, I won't hesitate to throw you away."

He shut up, and my heart hurt for Karl. I tried to tell him it was okay with my eyes, but he was looking down at the ground.

"Okay George, question number one. Are you ready?"

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