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"He's already a nuisance to my business, and now he has to be a cockblock too," I muttered irritably, as my steak sizzled in the pan.

George was sitting at the counter, scrolling through his phone. I'd been so close to him just a moment ago, and now I was cooking him dinner. I liked steak, but George had tasted way better.

He squealed in delight as I set a plate in front of him. He immediately cut a piece, and tried it.

"Mmm, nice," he commented, going back for more. I watched him, and wondered how someone could manage to cut steak cutely. Just another one of life's mysteries, I guess.

I sat down as well, and he continued munching away. "So, what did The Blade do this time?"

I sipped on my glass of water. "It's a little complicated, we'll get to it. Firstly, you should stop calling him that dumb nickname."

He looked confused. "What else would I call him?"

I watched him carefully, debating with myself whether or not I should tell him about our past. I think he read my mind a little, because he spoke instead.

"Is this about what happened with you two in high school?"

I put my knife down. "Did he tell you?"

He shrugged. "A little, but I'll listen if you have more to say."

I sighed, and decided to start with the nickname. "The Blade comes from our days in high school playing Minecraft, actually. Technoblade was his username, and when he needed an alias for the mafia, he decided to use The Blade."

George blinked. "Minecraft, the video game?"

I chuckled. "Yeah. Dream was my username, and since we joined at the same time, we both decided to use them as code names. We thought it was funny, and it's been like that since then."

He seemed to think for a moment, then realized something. "Wait, you know his real name! What is it? Can I know?"

"It's Dave," I said bluntly. "Usually, it would be dangerous for you to know, but you're in danger anyways. It'll be useful information at some point, probably."

"Oh," he said. "That's kinda anticlimactic, I expected some big reveal."

"Anyways, we've had our differences and past drama, and I was thinking about apologizing and trying to fix all this. After he kidnapped you, though, I threw that out the window."

"What? No, you should still try," George urged. "It obviously bothers you a lot, and it would make sense to end all this conflict. It's bad for both of you."

I waved it off. "Either way, now he's disturbing the operations we have set up in Canada. It's a problem, and I have to deal with it."

His shoulder dropped a little. "Oh, so we won't be adventuring the icy northern glaciers of Canada, in an epic journey for justice?"

I laughed. "No, we're going to be adventuring the complicated world of casinos, bribing and rich people. Pack your bags, we're leaving tomorrow."

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