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"Are you ready?"

I nodded, swallowing nervously.

"First of all, is Dream at his office right now?"

"He might have been going home," I answered. "I'm not sure."

"And where's home?"

I gritted my teeth. "We're staying at some fancy hotel I forget the name of, somewhere on King's street."

"Mmm, interesting. Wilbur, could you send someone to bomb the hotels on that street?"

"Sure," he replied, pulling out a phone. Karl looked terrified, and I tried to pull my hands out of the binds.

"So, next. Wha-"

The door burst open violently, and men stormed in, guns loaded, shouting.

"On your knees, hands on your head! NOW!"

Wilbur looked frantically at Dave, who looked equally as shocked. They slowly got down, and Karl and the guard did, too.

"Drop all your weapons," they demanded. One of them spoke into an earpiece. "First floor, last room on the right, boss."

I watched as they grabbed everyone in the room, almost completely ignoring me. I wanted to tell someone to undo my hands, but they all seemed busy.

One of them grabbed Karl too, and I shouted. "Hey, wait! He's innocent, he got kidnapped too."

Karl looked gratefully at me, and opened his mouth to speak. I shook my head, mouthing "not now."

Dream burst into the room, seeing me, Karl, Wilbur and Dave all together. He examined me quickly, and after seeing I wasn't hurt, marched straight over to Dave.

"Stand up," he ordered, and he did. Dream glared at him for a good twenty seconds, before speaking.

"You're pathetic, targeting innocent people for our past fights," he spat, and Dave glared straight back.

"I'm pathetic? You can't even bring yourself to apologize for leaving me back then. It's been years, and you still don't have the balls to admit you're wrong."

Dream took a deep breath. "Fine. I'm sorry for those years, I should have payed attention and helped when you needed me. But it's no excuse for your actions now, especially after all the people you've killed to get back at me."

"You shouldn't be talking."

In the midst of all the tension in the room, I noticed that Nick was the one holding Karl's hands behind his back, and Karl looked rather red.

My gaze snapped back to Dream, who was gripping his gun tightly.

"Remember our agreement after we graduated?" Dream suddenly said. "Remember what you told me?"

"That didn't mean anything," Dave said bitterly.

Dream walked up to him, leaning close and whispering something into his ear. His eyes widened. "You're serious?"

Dream nodded. "Yes, I am. Now, think carefully. Do you want me to shoot you right here, right now, or do you want to take my offer? I'm being generous."

He looked defeated, like he already knew the only option he had. Dream could tell.

"Take them out to the airport," Dream commanded. "I'll send someone to meet them, they'll know what to do."

They brought them out, along with the other guards in the room. Nick brought Karl out as well, getting into a car. I heard engines whirring, and soon, it was quiet.

My arms were still tied up. I was alone with Dream, and my curiosity got the best of me. "What did you tell him?"

"You shouldn't know," he told me. "It doesn't matter, he won't bother us anymore."

He walked closer, and I expected him to undo my wrists, but he didn't. Instead, he leaned closer, whispering.

"You're awfully helpless right now, all tied up. Much less confident than you were when you stormed out of my office, huh?"

I tensed up. Was he serious? Right here?

"Dream, I'm sorry, I was being stupid, but can we go home first?" I pleaded.

He clicked his tongue. "I don't know, I think you deserve a bit of a punishment."

I shifted. "Dream."

He pulled away. "Fine, let's go home. But don't think you're off the hook just yet."

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