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"Hold it with both your hands like this," Darryl instructed, adjusting my arms. Nick was standing at the entrance of the private room we were in, standing guard I guess. I heard gunshots from the other rooms.

"Remember, breathe right before you shoot, but hold your breath when you pull the trigger. You don't want to be shaky," he told me. "Maybe widen your stance a bit more, too."

I was shaking a little, even though the gun was only pointing at a target, not a real person. Something about holding a weapon for killing made me a little nervous.

I sucked in a breath, and pulled the trigger, keeping my hand as steady as I could.

I wasn't expecting the rebound, and my shot went high, into the wall. I blinked. "Did I do bad?"

"No, you're fine," Darryl reassured. "It was your first shot, it takes some getting used to.

Nick laughed from the doorway. "He's lying, you suck."

"Hey! Don't be mean," Darryl snapped. He turned back to me. "Try again."

I shot a couple more, and some of them actually hit the target. He then showed me how to reload the gun, and a couple more things about the safety, handling and parts.


We spent quite some time shooting, and I was definitely getting better little by little. My arms hurt, though.

"I think that's good for today," Darryl suggested, after I missed my third shot in a row.

"Agreed," I sighed, putting the pistol down. "What else do I need to learn?"

"Most things you'll pick up as you go. The gun lesson is just for emergency self defence; Nick will do most of the fighting if anything goes wrong during a meeting," Darryl explained. "Dream told me to send you to his office once we're done, to set you up with the system."

Oh, right. I was a personal assistant. It was strange that I would be going straight from a shooting range to an office for my job requirement. It's been an eventful day.

We left the shooting range, and changed out of the gunpowder-covered clothes. We got back into the same car as before, but Darryl didn't join us.

"I've got somewhere to be," he explained, pulling his phone out. "Have fun, though! And good luck George, you'll probably need it."

I didn't like the sound of that, but we waved goodbye and drove off. It was silent in the car, except for some soft music.

"What did you mean by sugar baby, earlier?" I asked suspiciously, breaking the silence.

Nick laughed a bit. "Don't you find it suspicious that Dream kidnapped you just for a job offer?"

"Well, duh! But whenever I asked him, he just gave me half answers and other information," I huffed. "I'm sure he wasn't that desperate for an assistant that he needed to pluck some random guy off the streets."

"You're right, he wasn't. And you're not some random guy, you know."

I frowned. "I only ever met him once, and I just bumped into him in the street. How would he know if I'm a good employee?"

He shook his head, like he was disappointed. "You're so clueless. If it helps at all, Dream is gay."

"You're saying he hired me just because he thought I was attractive??" I said incredulously. "How would he have known I was gay?"

"I guess that's one way to put it," Nick replied absentmindedly, staring out the window. "He probably just had a hunch."

I sighed, giving up of trying to make sense of it all.

To be honest, I wasn't too mad about it. I got to sleep in a nice bed, with a decent salary, and my life was a lot more exciting now. Those words would probably come back to bite me in the butt, though.

"We're here," Nick said, and I looked out to see a sleek, black office building, at least forty floors tall.

"I'll accompany you to his office, c'mon."

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