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It was a dreary, overcast day, and the office building looked a little depressing as we got out of the car. Dream got out after me, and stretched, muttering something about the cramped car seat. Tall people problems, I guess.

We were on our way into the building, when a homeless man stumbled into our path, probably drunk. Our driver looked a little disgusted, and some people on the street backed away.

He was muttering to himself, and Dream stuck his hand out and gripped his shoulder.

"Are you drunk?" He asked cautiously, and I looked at Dream curiously. What was he doing?

"I- burrr.." he mumbled, still off balance.

Dream furrowed his eyebrows. "Raise both of your arms for me."

The man did, and one of his arms drooped down at his hip. Dream stiffened.

He turned to his driver. "Call an ambulance. Now."

The driver seemed startled, and fumbled with his phone, calling 911.

The man fell into Dream, and I just noticed how bad he smelled. Dream didn't seem to care about his expensive suit being ruined, and a few minutes later, an ambulance came.

They took the man, and the crowd of people on the street watching the scene started to dissipate. I was still a little bit overwhelmed at what had happened, this early in the morning.

"What was that?" I asked. "Wasn't he just drunk?"

"He was having a stroke," Dream replied, straightening up his jacket and heading into the building. "People tend to avoid homeless people like the plague, and they die often from preventable accidents like that. It's just sad."

I furrowed my eyebrows. "How do you know?"

He paused, then sighed. "I was homeless once, in my teen years. I was lucky to get back on my feet, but a lot of my friends weren't."

He left it like that, and I decided not to push it. It sounded like a sensitive topic.

Dream's past was definitely not a normal one, and I realized I knew almost nothing about the man I worked for and lived with now. I looked at him, with his confident stance and tall frame, and wondered what he'd been through to get here.

We stepped into the elevator, and I noticed the stench of the man still rubbed into Dream's clothes. He noticed it too, and put a hand up into his earpiece.

"Get me a new shirt and blazer, I'll be in my office."

He glanced over at me, and my clothes. "You still only have one nice suit, right? The one I gave you?"

I nodded. He turned away.

"We'll go and get some clothes for you after work."

"Oh, I'm fine, I don't nee-"

"Don't bother," he interrupted. "You work for me now, and I say you need some of your own clothes."

I nodded. We arrived at our floor, and went into our separate offices. I looked at the pile of business letters on my desk, and sighed. Time to get busy.

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