Asshats Crashin' My Party

Start from the beginning

Reiner: So, what you're telling me is that you didn't catch a single word of what Eren and Y/n talked about?

Annie: Did I stutter? No, I didn't.

Tybur: 'So she did stand at a distance on purpose.'

Y/n: 'I guess so.'

Reiner: Something tells me you're lying, Annie.

Annie: I'm not lying, okay? I have no idea what they talked about.

Reiner: What happened to getting home to your father? Did you forget all about him?

Bertholdt: C'mon Reiner, that's a low blow...

Y/n: 'That snivelling bastard! How dare he bring him up, knowing he's dead!'

Tybur: 'Calm, Y/n. You need to keep your temper in check.'

Y/n: 'To hell with my temper! This asshole is manipulating my girlfriend!'

Tybur: 'This pisses me off too, but we can't let this derail what we've worked hard for.'

Y/n: '*Sigh* I guess you're right.'

Tybur: 'Aren't I always?'

Annie brought my attention back to the trio as she shoved Reiner to the ground with the force of a battering ram.

Annie: You keep my father out of this, you pathetic waste of space! Or do I need to kick your ass again?

Reiner coughed into his sleeve as he collected himself and got to his feet.

Reiner: No need. You've made it perfectly clear where you stand.

I stood in line with Eren, barely listening to him chat away. Reiner waved for Bertholdt to follow him. He hesitated with a pained look in his eyes as he ultimately followed Reiner.

Y/n: 'That fucking prick! I swear, if I get the chance, I'm going to kick his ass.'

Tybur: 'That's fine, just save it for now.'

Eren: You should sit with Annie. She looks pissed.

Y/n: Yeah. That is most definitely her pissed face.

I ruffled his hair.

Y/n: Tell the crew I'll see them for lunch, yeah? I haven't forgotten about them.

Eren: Will do! Have fun, man.

I gave his hair one last tussle before navigating to Annie's table.

Tybur: 'Something tells me that she will be a bit distant at the mention with her father. I want to warn you not to take this too personally.'

Y/n: 'Right. Thank you, Tybur.'

I slid Annie her tray and began to eat my own breakfast, letting her set the pace.

You see, one thing I learned about Annie is that if she isn't interested in conversation, you won't get one. I've had to learn to let her control how fast or slow our interactions are. She's not exactly a pushover. She was essentially the one in control in this relationship.

Annie: You're awfully quiet.

This was her way of telling me that she wanted me to talk to her.

Y/n: Sorry, I was deep in thought. How'd you sleep?

I learned that the more I asked about her, the more open she was. It just took time.

Annie: Well enough, considering I went to bed just hours ago.

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