Love or Hate [2] - Steve Rogers

Start from the beginning

"Is this good, Nat?" You stepped out of your bathroom, looking down at your gown.

Had you looked up, you would've seen Steve's jaw clench and blush rise to his cheeks. His eyes widened as you fixed the strap of your shoe, leg exposed. He had never seen your body so exposed. During training, you always had a t-shirt and leggings on. Sure he had seen you once or twice with shorts on in the summer, but this was completely different.

"Oh. Hey Steve." Your voice snapped him out of his trance as he fixed his composure. "So Nat?" You put your hands on your hip as she smirked.

"You got the Captain to stare, I think you're looking beyond beautiful." Natasha laughed as the two of you heated up.

"Waiting for someone like you to notice me," you flirted, batting your eyelashes. He chuckled and waved at the man he was talking to.

"Come here, darling," he said, accent thick. "Tell me about yourself."

You introduced yourself as Lily, the name you and team decided on. You said that you were a doctor and came here working for a refugee camp. He seemed to believe the story, still entranced by the exposed skin of yours.

"Want to get out of here? Maybe have some fun at my place?" He winked at you and you forced yourself not to shiver or cringe.

Instead you smiled seductively and said, "I don't seem to have any other plans."

"We're tracking your coordinates," Steve's anger strained voice echoed through your ears. The tracker was fit into one of the bracelets you wore.

You wanted to ask why Steve was angry, but Schulze had his arm around your shoulders, leading you through the crowd, so you couldn't.

Soon you found yourself at Schulze's apartment, kissing him greedily. You did everything trying not to puke as his hands roamed your body. He pulled away from you and saw the smirk you wore. You led him to a chair and straddled his lap.

You wrapped your hands around his neck and pressed the button on your bracelet to alert the team that you were in his apartment.

No more than a few minutes later, the shots of gunfire broke his lips from yours. His eyes darted around before his brain finally found out what happened.

"You bitch!" He yelled as you got off his lap and pulled out the gun from your holster. You pointed it at him, silently daring him to move. "You think that I'm alone, don't you? You think that I'm not smart enough to have people around here? Come in boys!"

As soon as his words tumbled out of his mouth, men kicked open the front door and you kept your gun on Schulze.

"Don't come further," you said, stepping behind Schulze, "or I'll blow his brains out."

"My dear, I'll have my brains blown out if yours aren't first," Schulze sneered before a shot made your gun fall to the ground. Another made you fall to the ground. The men and Schulze left the apartment, leaving you in a pool of your blood. A few minutes later, your vision went black.


"Sam, where's Y/N?" Steve yelled into the comms again. His heart was beating faster with each second that passed without your voice in his head. "Sam!"

"She's still not answering!" Sam's voice was strained as though he was fending for himself, which he probably was.

"What?!" Bucky's panic struck voice came through.

Now Steve's heart dropped to his stomach. His eyes gazed over to the building you were in. Before he knew what he was doing, he was already in Schulze's apartment. His eyes darted to your limp body.

He screamed your name, tears pricking at his eyes. He knelt beside you, holding your cold body close to him. One of his hands cradled your head as the other clutched the wound on your stomach. You were deadly pale and red stained.

His bloodied hand came to your wrist, trying to find a pulse.

"Steve! Do you have Y/N? Is she okay?" A few voices echoed into his ear asking about you.

"She—I have her, but she's wounded. A bullet and she's pale. A weak pulse," Steve tried to explain as he breathed out shakily. "I need to—I need to get her to the Quinjet. She's dying."

Steve picked you up and ran out the building faster than he had in his whole life.

"Steve," your weak and raspy voice came. He looked down and saw your eyes open a friction. "I love you. Don't forget me."

"You aren't dying. Not on my watch. I love you too much," he whispered, voice cracking.


Steve fixed the black tie again.

"You can't tie a tie properly?"

Steve's eyes flickered over to the photo he had of you on the night table beside his bed.

"Can you stop taking pictures of me?"

His lips parted as he drank in the image of you smiling sweetly at the camera.

"Shut up and take the damn picture."

His tears welled up, blurring his vision.

"You're not gonna be happy. Not without my special brownies."

His lips curled into a soft smile, thinking about you the way your eyes would narrow at him.

"You're lucky you're the Captain."

His eyes lit up as he saw the birthday card you had given him, sitting beside the picture.

"Happy birthday to the dumbest person I know."

"Thinking about me again?" His head whipped towards the doorway where you stood with a smirk. He grinned at you and nodded.

"Yeah," he answered. "When do I not?" You giggled at his response.

"Such a charmer, Mr Rogers," you teased as you wrapped your arms around his neck.

"Only for you, Mrs Rogers."


Posted on Tumblr first.

The thing about this is that the ending was supposed to sad, like you died. But the twist fit me better.

You want it, you got it. Requests are still open, so don't bother asking me if I can write your imagination. I will.

Until next time!

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