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This is gonna be sad

Please dot hate me for it. Here you go.

I am serious get your tisses out. This is your last sadness warning. Read with caution.

You are all by Vision or making your way over.

 You had just gotten there. So had Wanda who flew in and landed infront of Vision.

"Are you okay?" Wanda asks him. He finches in pain "What is it?"

"He's here" Vision says. Suddenly it feels weird. 

"What the heck?" Natasha says. 

A cloud of blue and black clouds appear and Thanos steps forward. He is ugly you think

"Cap. That's him." Bruce says

 "Eyes up. Stay sharp." Steve says. 

They charge at Thanos but nothing works. Eventually Steve holds him and you burn Thanos a little but he broke free. He tossed you aside and traped you with tree branches. You try to burn him some more but he sheilds himself.

You were close enough to hear Wanda and Vision talk.

"Wanda. It's time." Vision said

 "No." Wanda responds

"They can't stop him, Wanda, but we can. Look at me. You have the power to destroy the stone." Vision tells her

"Don't" Wanda responds.

"You must do it. Wanda, please. We...are...out of time." Vision tells her

"I can't." Wanda says

"Yes, you can. You can. If he gets the stone, half the universe dies." Vision tells her

"I-" Wanda starts

"It's not fair. It shouldn't be you, but it is. It's all right. You could never hurt me.... I just...feel you." Vision tells her. She uses a trembeling hand and blasts her magic at the stone. She looks over and sees Thanos getting closer so she adds her left hand too.

Wanda looks over her shoulder again and sees Thanos approaching unopposed.

 She swings her left hand around to fend him off with a stream of scarlet energy, and pushes him back despite his blue-purple energy shield, but then he starts to slowly walk over.

Vision whispers something to her and the stone cracks. 

You sigh in relief.

 You won. It was still heart breaking but you had won. You look over to find where Natasha is and start burning the branches with your fire.

"NO!!" Wanda shouts and you look over to see Vision alive. 

You hurry up burning your branches. He takes the stone and you make your fire so hot it looks red.

 Thanos has energy surgeing through him you hit him with some fire but he doesnt seem to notice. You think there is no hope when suddenly and axe starts fly towards him. 

Thanos blast it but it still hits Thanos. Thor is behind the axe and says something. Then you see Thanos's mouth start moving. Then you see his hand is there with the stones. He can still snap.

You finaly are free of your branches and you try to burn him but you are to late. He snaps.

 You run to Natasha. Finally you find her getting up. You run as fast as you can to get to her in time.

"Natasha" You call. Then you feel weird. You run over to her and colaps in her arms. "We lost. I- I dont wanna leave you"

"Hey its okay." she says

"I- I dont want to leave you" You say agian

"Its okay baby" She says

"Can you sing for me please?" You ask her with tears streaming down your face

"Of course." She says and smiles with tears in her eyes. 

"You are my sunshine" 

She starts and you cry into her shoulder knowing you wont survive. You don't want her to be alone.

"My only sunshine" 

You relaxe a little but continue to cry. You don't want Natasha to be left here alone. 

"You make me happy when skies are grey" 

Natasha is trying not to cry and mess up the song. You know you are about to die. She wont be alone you tell yourself. She has all of her friends and at least one of them will live. And her friend wont let  her greif get too bad, right?

"You'll ever know dear how much I love you" She sings.

She is gonna be okay you think. But you don't know if YOU will be okay whitout her. You love her so much and you don't want to leave her.

"I love you so much" You whisper to her and go to kiss her. You turn to dust right before your lips met. Right before you could kiss your girlfriend before you die.

"Please don't take my sunshine away" She finishes with tears in her eyes. You were her sunshine, and they took you away. Tears roll down her face. 

"I love you" She whispers and her tears fall to the ground where you were. She misses you already and it has been a few seconds. She doesn't know how she is gonna make it without you.

And you don't know how you are gonna make it without her, even  if you are dead you still miss her.

I told you it was gonna be sad. I hope you got you tissiues out like I told you to. I cried while writing this so if you didn't cry let me know because you have a talent.

 I hope you enjoyed this chapeter even if it was sad. I hope you all have a wonderful day and thank you all for your votes and coments. Thank you for 5.1k views as well. I love all of you guys so much. Have an amazing day.

I will not update again for a little bit to figure out if I do the movie even though you wouldn't be there or the soul world and all of that. Once I figure it out I will start updating again. I am not discontiueing it or anything I am just gonna figure it all out. 

Thank you all for taking time out of your day to read my story. You are all amazing. I love yall so much. Have a good day.

Bye :)

The Red Flame (Female Reader x Natasha Romanoff)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant