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Welp here we are. I am sitting in my bed crying because i feel guilty for bringing Thanos in and not having it set in the reality were Thanos was killed when he time traveled. 

"I got two heat signatures breaking through the tree line" Rhodey says

Natasha Steve and T'Challa go to talk to the heat signatures. You are ready for this. Ready to kick some alien butt. They walk back. A moment later some ugly aliens are trying to get in. 

"What the heck" Long hair man says

"Looks like we made her angry" Natasha says. 

"They're killing themselves" Okoye says. Some of the aliens get through only to be killed. Then a pack of them go around.

"Cap, if these things circle the perimeter and get in behind us... there's nothing between them and Vision." Bruce says

"Them we better keep 'em in front of us." Steve responds

"How do we do that?" Okoye asks

 "We open the barrier." T'Challa says then puts his comm to his mouth. "On my signal, open North-West Section Seventeen."

Someone on the other end said something.

"On my signal" T'Challa says. Everyone gets ready for this. You put some fire in your hand.


You all run and then the barrier opens. You Steve and T'Challa pull ahead of everyone. Your mind says it was probubly the last thing you were injected with that helped you pull ahead. You start lighting them on fire. You make duplacates of yourself who also light them on fire. The fire would hurt them but they wouldn't always die. Luckily you could manipulate light, blend into shadows, read minds, control water, manipulate dark matter, movie things with your mind, turn into a some animals, and create duplacates of your self thanks to HYDRA so you were coverd. So you rip them apart without touching them, burn them, blind them with light, drown them, and sufficate. You had about 100 duplactes running around doing this along with you.

You cant hold up your duplactes anymore because it takes to much focus so you stop. 

"There's too many of them! GYAH! AAAAHHHHH!" Bruce screams. Suddenly a lightbeam shots from the sky. Lightning destroys some of the aliens. The light stops and reveals Thor, a racoon, and a tree. A huge smile blooms across your face and Bruce yells what you were thinking.

"You guys are screwed now!"

"BRING ME THANOS!!" Thor yells and kills a lot of them with lightning. Dang he got a power upgrade you think as he tears through the aliens like they are cotton candy. You continue to o your thing when giant wheels come from underground.

"Fall back! Fall back now!" T'Challa shouts.

Sam and Rhodey manage to destroy one giant wheel. Then Red magic is seen. Wanda is here. Now  they are really screwed you think. Then you hear something that makes you think we are gonna lose. 

"Guys we got a vision situaiton" Those six words make you think you are gonna lose. 

"Someone get to Vision!" Steve says

"I got it" Bruce shouts.

"On my way" Wanda says. You look over and see an alien suddenly tackle Wanda. You start to run over burning random aliens and blinding them as you run.

"He'll die alone. As will you" The ugly alien says as you finaly arive.

"She's not alone" Natasha says

She leaps at your girlfriend and Okoye runs to fight from the front. You throw her of. She is kinda heavy and you are suprised you could move her. You all fight her, you burn her when you can. You all fight her and Wanda moves her up to the wheel. Natasha has blood splatered on her.

"That was really gross" Natasha says. Then Wanda flys to Vision. You go back to killing aliens while making your way over to Vision. 

To be continued....

Yall are gonna hate me for the next chapter.

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