Mulai dari awal

"It's time you learned how to be a man and stop hiding behind that Death Eater mask," Neville said coolly, remembering all those times Harry had stood up to both Umbridge and Snape. Even in his absence, Neville would always draw inspiration from him.

"Get out of my sight," Snape snarled, his nostrils flaring. "And hand me the sword or I shall ask the Carrows to deal with you."

It didn't occur to the trio that Snape had actually let them off really easy.

Ginny scowled at the pathetic excuse for a Headmaster with loathing, and shoved the glass case into his hands. Neville looked coldly at him, and beckoned for Ginny and Luna to come with him, in case Snape changed his mind and gave them a more severe punishment.

Snape watched them leave, and once they were out of sight, he went back to the Headmaster's office with a scowl, muttering incoherently about bloody Gryffindors and nosy Ravenclaws.

"Did you get it back, Severus?"

Snape looked at Dumbledore, who was sitting in his portrait looking slightly bored.

"Yes," Snape said impatiently. "They're too nosy for their own good, obviously."

Snape took the glass case in which the sword lay and placed it next to the Sorting Hat, hoping no one else would be as foolish as to steal the sword again.

"So what does Hufflepuff rhyme with?" The Sorting Hat asked, and Snape rolled his eyes. He didn't know that being Headmaster meant that you'd have a Hat to accompany you all year. And all the Hat would do was ask for inputs on the next Sorting Hat song.

"Pygmy puff!" Dumbledore said enthusiastically, and Snape rolled his eyes.

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Rhea and Lily were coming back from Hogsmeade after a particularly exhausting journey.

They had been practicing apparition (mostly it was just Rhea teaching Lily). Their apparition classes had started quite early in this timeline—Rhea couldn't remember when exactly she had had her first apparition classes with the Golden Trio and her fellow Ravenclaws.

"That was a nice session, wasn't it?" Lily panted slightly, loosening her tie and helplessly trying to pat down her frizzy hair.

"Lovely," Rhea agreed breathlessly, rolling her sleeves up to her elbows. Even though it was quite cold, Rhea was finding the weather hot. Or maybe it was just because she had exhausted herself with all the running she did with Lily when a certain black dog stole their chocolates. Of course, Lily didn't know the dog was actually an animagus.

Once they had caught up with the dog, Lily had given him a mock-stern look and patted him, happily naming him Snuffles.

Rhea didn't know whether she had to cry or laugh.

"Right," Lily huffed, slowing her pace down and taking deep calming breaths. Her cheeks were flushed and her flaming red hair was damp with sweat. "Could you slow down, please?"

Rhea gave her a look but slowed down nevertheless. The duo went inside the castle (Filch gave the two a nasty look as he stood near the entrance to check if the students were coming back). 

"I'll never know why Dumbledore hired," Lily lowered her voice considerably. "A squib into a magic school. I mean, don't get me wrong, I'm not judging the man, but manual work in a magical school? Seems cruel."

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