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-October 20th 1996-

  I enter Central Perk cheerfully as I have the babies gender in an envelope and everyone is there.

Ross:Hey.Why so happy?.

Bri:I have the babies gender!.

Gunther:Well what is it?.Boy or Girl.

   I open the envelope happily and I see the gender written down.

Bri:It's a girl!.I'm gonna have a baby girl!.

  We all cheer excitedly and Gunther and Tyler hugs me and Tyler puts a hand on my stomach.

Tyler:Hello Mate.I'm your uncle Tyler.

My baby girl kicks and I chuckle.

Bri:I think she likes you Ty.

Tyler:She better.

   I chuckle and smile at everyone as i rub my 5 and a half month pregnant belly.

-November 7th 1996-

   I am now 6 months pregnant and I am at Central Perk with Ross,Rachel and Phoebe.

Ross:Thanks Tyler.

   Ross takes the plate Tyler serves him and Rachel comes up and kisses him.

Ross:"To Rachel".Hey."To Tyler".Um can I get a napkin too?.

Tyler:Oh like you don’t already have everything.

Phoebe:"Trying to bite an apple".Ow!.Ow!."Drops apple in disgust".

Rachel:Phoebe your in pain would you just go to the dentist just go.

Phoebe:All right fine,fine but if you’re my next victim don’t come back as a poltergeist and like suck me into the TV set.

Rachel:I promise.

Phoebe:Although don’t feel like you can’t visit.

Joey:"Enters with Monica".Hey is,is,is Chandler here?.

Ross:"Patting clothes".No,no he’s not.

Monica:You guys, Joey just saw Janice kissing her ex-husband.

Ross:What?."To Joey".So what are you going to do?.I mean how,how are you going to tell Chandler?.

Joey:Well I was thinking about that and i-I think the best way would be to not.

Rachel:Joey you can’t keep this to yourself if you know about this you have to tell him.

Joey:It’ll kill him.I mean it’ll,it’ll just kill him.

Phoebe:Well you could wait til I go to the dentist maybe I’ll kill him.

-November 20th 1996-

   We are all at Monica and Rachel's the guys are watching football and the girls are cooking Thanksgiving dinner except for me who is tired and resting in a chair from Monica's bedroom.


(UNDER EDITING) The One Whose Adopted | Friends FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now