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-April 6th 1995-

   At Central Perk everyone but Rachel is hanging out.

Chandler:I am telling you years from now school children will study it as one of the greatest first dates of all time.It was unbelievable.We could totally be ourselves we didn't have to play any games.

Bri:So have you called her yet?.

Chandler:Let her know I like her?.What are you insane?.

All of us girls make disgusted noises.

Chandler:It's the next day.How needy do I want to seem?.,To guys".I'm right,right?.

Joey,Ross:Oh yeah.Yeah.Let her dangle.

Monica:I can't believe my parents are actually pressuring me to find one of you people.

Phoebe:Oh God just do it."Grabbing phone".Call her.Stop being so testosteroney.

Chandler:Which by the way is the real San Francisco treat.

Chandler calls her then hurriedly hangs up.

Chandler:I got her machine.

Joey:Her answer machine?.

Chandler:"Sarcastically".No interestingly enough her leaf blower picked up.

Phoebe:So uh why didn't you say anything?.

Chandler:Oh no,no,no,no.Last time I left a spontaneous message I ended up using the phrase Yes indeedy-o.

Monica:Look,look.It's Rachel and Barry.

We all go to look.

Monica:No don't everybody look at once.

Ross:Okay,okay what's going on?.

Phoebe:Okay they're just talking.

Ross:Yeah well does he look upset?.Does he look like he was just told to shove anything?.

Phoebe:No,no actually he's smiling andOh my God don't do that!.


Phoebe:That man across the street just kicked that pigeon!.

Rachel enters.


Chandler:And basically that's how a bill becomes a law.


Bri:Hey Rach.

Monica:How'd it go?.

Rachel:Y'know it was uh it was actually really great.He took me to lunch at the Russian Tea Room and I had that chicken where y'know you poke it and all the butter squirts out.

Phoebe:Not a good day for birds.

Rachel:Then we took a walk down to Bendall's and I told him not to but he got me a little bottle of Chanel.

Ross:That's nice now was that before or after you told him to stop calling,stop sending you flowers and to generally leave you alone hm?.

Rachel:Right well we never actually got to that...Oh it was just so nice to see him again y'know?.It was comfortable it was familiar...it was just nice.

Ross:That's,that's nice twice.

Monica:Rachel what's going on?.I mean isn't this the same Barry who you left at the altar?.

Joey:Duh where've you been?.

Rachel:Yeah but it was different with him today.And he wasn't like Orthodontist Guy y'know?.I mean we had fun.Is there anything wrong with that?.

(UNDER EDITING) The One Whose Adopted | Friends FanfictionOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora