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-February 15th 1996-

   Me,Rachel and Phoebe enter Monica and Rachel's apartment and see Monica and Richard.


Monica:Oh.Well did you get it?.Let me see.

Rachel:Is Ross here?.

Monica:No he went out to get pizza.

Rachel:Oh really ok."Shows tattoo".

Monica:That's great.

Richard:Very tasteful.

I then turn my ankle.

Bri:I got a similar one on my right ankle.

Monica,Richard:Very nice.

Phoebe:Wanna see mine,wanna see mine?.


Rachel:What?.You didn't get one.

Phoebe:Ok well then what is this?."Shows shoulder".

Richard:What're we looking at?.That blue freckle?.

Phoebe:Ok that's my tattoo.

Bri:That is not a tattoo that is a nothing.I finally got her back in the chair,bairly touched her with a needle she jumped up screaming and that was it.

Phoebe:Ok hi.For your information this is exactly what I wanted.This is a tattoo of the earth as seen from a great distance.It's the way my mother sees me from heaven.

Rachel:Oh what a load of crap.That is a dot. Your mother is up in heaven going.Where the hell is my lily you wuss?.Ok Phoebe that is not a tattoo this is a tattoo.

  Rachel bends over and bears her tattoo right when Ross enters.

Ross:You got a tattoo?.

Rachel:Maybe.But just a little one.Phoebe got the whole world.

Ross:Lemme see."Looks".


Ross:Well it's really...sexy. I wouldn't have thought it would be but...wow.


Ross:Yeah so uh, is it sore or can you do stuff?.

Rachel:I guess.

Ross:Hey save us some pizza.

Ross and Rachel go off to her bedroom.

-February 18th 1996-

   At Joey and Chandler's apartment everyone is helping Joey pack his things.

Joey:Hey you guys are still gonna come visit me right?.

Chandler:Oh yeah you got the big TV.We'll be over there all the time."Gives him a look".Except when we are here.

Phoebe:I know you're just moving uptown but I'm really gonna miss you.

Monica:I know how can you not be accross the hall anymore.

Rachel:Yeah who's gonna eat all our food and tie up our phone lines and-is that my bra?.What the hell you doing with my bra?.

Joey:Oh no,no it's uh it's not what you think.We uh we used it to you know fling water balloons off the roof.Remember that those junior high kids couldn't even get theirs accross the street.

Chandler:"Quietly".Yeah I remember.

Ross:Hey let's bring the rest of these down to the truck.

Everyone except Joey and Chandler leave.

(UNDER EDITING) The One Whose Adopted | Friends FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now