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-January 4th 1996-

   At 1 o'clock in the morning we are all walking to a newsstand.Joey is anxiously in the lead.

Rachel:Joey would you slow down?.They're not gonna be sold out of papers at one o'clock in the morning.

Joey:I'm excited!.I've never gotten reviewed before.

Monica:You were so amazing as the king.I was really impressed I was.

Phoebe:Although you know what?.You might want to consider wearing underwear next time.Yeah cause when you sat down on your throne you could kind of see your... royal subject.

Joey:Here it is,here it is."Reading from newspaper".The only thing worse than the mindless,adolescent direction was Joseph Tribbiani's disturbingly unskilled portrayal of the king.

Chandler:Ok lokk that is one guy's opinion alright.Phoebs read yours.

Phoebe:Ok."Reading".The only thing worse than the mindless,adolescent direction-

Chandler:Does anyone have one from a different paper?.Ross read yours.

Ross:I don't want to.

Bri:Joey honey they don't know what they're talking about.


Joey:Maybe they do.I've been doing this ten years and I haven't gotten anywhere. There's gotta be a reason.

Ross:Oh c'mon.Maybe you're just uh paying your dues.

Joey:No,no,no it,it's too hard.It's not worth it.I quit.

Monica:Wait,wait,wait,wait,wait one minute.Wait a minute.I believe this will change your mind."Reads".In a mediocre play Joseph Tribbiani was able to achieve brilliant new levels of...continued on page 153."Turns it".Sucking.

*Time Lapse*

Me,Chandler and Joey enter Central Perk.






Chandler:Guess who's back in show business.

Phoebe:Oh,oh Lorne Green?.

Chandler:No,no Pheebs.You know why?.Cause he's dead.

Phoebe:Oh no.

Bri:Ok I guess this is gonna seem kinda bittersweet now but...Joey that's who.

Joey:Yeah my agent just called me with an audition for Days of Our Lives!.

Phoebe:Oh well we have to celebrate.You know what we should do?.We should do,l like.a soap opera theme.

Chandler:Hey yeah we could all sleep together and then one of us could get amnesia.

Phoebe:Hey Rach what time do you get off?. We're all gonna do something tonight.

Rachel:Um....well.actually I'm already done but I-I kinda got plans.

Monica:"Gasps".You have other friends?.

Rachel:Yeah...I uh I have a,I have a date.


Joey:With a man?.

Bri:"Sarcastically".No with a walrus.

   Everyone chuckles but then acts serious again.

Rachel:What?.What is so strange about me having a date?.

Joey:What about Ross?.I mean are you still mad at him cause he made that list about you?.

Rachel:No,no I'm not mad at him.I'm,I'm not really anything at him anymore.

Monica:What are you talking about?.

Rachel:I don't know.Whatever I was feeling I'm...not.

Phoebe:But you guys came so close.

Rachel:Oh I know I'm sorry you guys.You're just gonna have to get used to the fact that I will not be dating Ross.

   A guy enters Central Perk and he looks like Ross except for his chin and hair.

Rachel:Here he is.Hi.Guys this is Russ.


   Everyone looks at each other in amazement.

-January 7th 1996-

   I am at my place and Kory walks in and I smile giving him a kiss.

Kory:Hey baby.I got a record and model deal offer.

Bri:"Excited".What?!.Thats awesome!.This is your dream!.

Kory:But um i have to transfer to Texas for a few years or more...So would you go with me?.

Bri:Kory...My family and friends are here.

Kory:"Sighs".I will not take the offer then.

Bri:No.This is your dream."Tears up".I-I'm not getting in the way of it.Go follow your dreams.

Kory:"Crying".But i love you.I don't want to leave you.

Bri:Me either but this something you have to do."Crying".Follow your dreams.And in a few years when you come back.We possibly could get back together.

Kory:I love you so much.

Bri:I love you so much too.

Bri:I love you so much too

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Kory:S-so this is it?.

Bri:For now.

   I grab Kory's face and i kiss him and we kiss a few minutes.We then talk things thru and decide to go no contact till he comes back to New York.

(UNDER EDITING) The One Whose Adopted | Friends FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now