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-January 8th 1996-

   Kory gets in the cab to go to the airport and I hop in my car and drive to Gunther,Tyler and Jasmine's apartment.When I get there I knock on the door and Gunther answers it I immediately hug him and cry into his chest. Gunther brings me into the apartment and has me sit down on the couch. He goes to the kitchen and walks back hanging me a cup of hot chocolate.

Gunther:Briella what's wrong?.Why are you crying?.

Bri:Me and Kory broke up."Sniffles". He got an offer in Texas and wanted me to go with him but i said no."Sniffles".He was gonna back out but I told him to take the offer and go cause he's gotta go there for a few years or more.We broke up and decided to go no contact till he returns. "Cries".It hurts so much.Me and him had such a great relationship and I sacrificed it so he can follow his dreams.

Gunther:Just remember that the last 2 years was a blessing.You got 2 years with him.And you should cherish those memories.When I was with Cherry for those 5 years things were great but when she died I felt alone till I realised I wasn't.I had my brother and I got to meet you.

I smile at Gunther and hug him.

Gunther:Cherry would have enjoyed your company.

Bri:I'm sure i would have enjoyed hers too."Sniffles".

Gunther:How about you stay here for the night.I know loosing a girlfriend to death isn't as close to your situation but I know a few things that can help.

Bri:"Nods".Thanks Gunny.

-January 15th 1996-(No One's P.O.V)

  Everyone except for Briella are at Monica and Rachel's apartment.

Monica:Guys have any of you heard from Briella in the last week?.


Rachel:Somethings up she hasn't answers our calls and I talked to Gunther and he said she was okay.

Joey:We dont have Kory's number to contact him.

Phoebe:Maybe we should go to her place and check on her.


(Bri's P.O.V)

   I am sitting on my couch watching TV and eating chips as there is a knock on my door.I stand up and check myself in the mirror and I look like a mess.I quickly brush my hair and tie up my robe and answer the door and i see Monica,Rachel,Phoebe,Chandler,Ross and Joey.



Monica:Where have you been the past week?.What happened?.

   I start to tear up as I'm reminded that Me and Kory have broken up and I walk to the couch sitting down as everyone piles into my apartment and close the door behind them.

Bri:"Crying".Me and Kory broke up last week. He got an offer in Texas and I told him to take it.

Rachel:Oh sweetie.

  The girls all join me on the couch and hug me.

Ross:Why didn't you come to us?.

Bri:I just needed time.I'm a mess.

Joey:No your not.

Bri:I haven't took a shower,Ate a proper meal or cleaned my place in a week.

Chandler:Don't you have maids who do that?.

   I glare at Chandler and he puts his hands up in surrender.

Phoebe:Hey how about you take a shower and get dressed and Me,Monica and Rachel will take you out of here.

(UNDER EDITING) The One Whose Adopted | Friends FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now